Bagseed CFL Virgin

Black Uhuru

This is plant from the green cup that got her leaf burnt off, you can see where the missing part is some new growth is coming up.

I transplanted the other plant into a bigger pot, ill make sure t snap some pics of her


Active Member
I'm new too. But i'm fairly certain those aren't male bits. Those are "nodes". (I think!). My plant has them too, and yeah, they're definitely just more sets of leaves.

Don't kill it, get advice from someone else first.


Well-Known Member
It's definitely a male.
Study it.
Remember what it looked like as the sex started to show.
File the information away for future reference.

What to do with it?
Most people would kill it.
If it was a potent strain, I'd grow it for a bit and save some of the pollen
for use on a female in the near future.

Who knows, you might come up with the next C-Cup winner!


Active Member
That would be Pollen Sacks i would think best to a collect the pollen or b trash it also remember spraying your plants while the lights are on is a bad idea


Well-Known Member
its a male flower cluster. and in a week it'll flower. males always flower first in nature to insure pollination. you can experiment with it to test it's limits. and you'll learn from that. but if your female flowers in the same room or sometimes even in the same house it will get pollinated. so decide if you want seeds in your weed or not. and i hope your other plant is female:)

Black Uhuru

its a male flower cluster. and in a week it'll flower. males always flower first in nature to insure pollination. you can experiment with it to test it's limits. and you'll learn from that. but if your female flowers in the same room or sometimes even in the same house it will get pollinated. so decide if you want seeds in your weed or not. and i hope your other plant is female:)
I hope so too,

I have it in a seperate cabinet because the 3x3 i have can only hold two pots and its tight, im woking on making another one this weekend so they fit better.


Active Member
so what strain is the plant you have with the orange dotted coloration on the stems? i think it's the one that also has the male pre flowering thing going. Can you tell me? i have a mystery plant that looks the same, color has the same orange thing on the fan leaf stems and i want to know! haha


how did yer plant show sex so young? Have you been keeping the lights on for at least 18 hours per day, everyday?


Well-Known Member
im betting hes going 12/12 from seed they are showing quite quick. although some males show during 18/6 but its usually due to long veg time. hopefully you get a female soon man. you will know the look. those beautiful white pistils poppin out of the calyx....


Well-Known Member
Will it produce anything that can be smoked? If not i might
consider that since i do not want to waste energy lol.
yes it will. however the quality is not even close to FEMALE flower buds. for new growers i always suggest overfeeding it. too much N. see what CLAW looks like and remember how much ferts you used to arrive at that condition so you don't repeat it on more valuable female plants. Then you'll know the limits of N you can susseccfully use without producing CLAW, which is a huge disappointment in a garden. remember too that claw can show up even very late in the flowering cycle. even way after you've added too much N. it affects trichome production, bud size and density, gives your final product a harsh chlorophyl taste and in my oppinion is not quality enough to sell to anyone. however you can smoke it yourself if you wanna see what it tastes like. or make kief/hash out of it which seperates the trichomes from the green leaves and you won't get a harsh smoke from the kief then or hash if you process it that far.