Bagseed Grow...1st attempt


Active Member
OK, update. There are a few questions inserted throughout this post that I would appreciate some input on. First time grower.

I removed the two fluorex floods (65w each) and modded the ballast and circuitboard combo so that they are no longer flood lights but just bulbs. I rule. Now, we have 2 of these in the box, one in the top left and one in the bottom right corner. Check out the pics. These claim to put out about 5000 lumens but my lightmeter reads them at about 4400. All well. The two of those = 8800. Now adding the 150w hps we have about 12 inches above the plants (13000 lumens), we have a total of around 22000. This is for about 2 and a half square feet of growspace. (45 gallon refuse bin)

We have switched to a high nitrogen fert, 26-10-10, and continue to water every 4th day, flooding the pots with water we have de-chlorinated by letting sit for 48 hours.

I have started a some LST on a few of the plants, using wire hangers and twine, once again check out the pictures.
We are almost exactly a month in at this point. Bagseed. Good mids.

When should i begin to flower? We have about 10-12 inches of space above us to grow. The HPS gets pretty warm but it is being cooled right now by a fan and I am convinced that being 150w i can get with 2 or 3 inches of it without burning the plants.

Our goal is 3 females from these 7, then we will repot into 5g pots once sexed. Is this a bad idea? Is it not a good idea to repot a week into 12-12?

I would really appreciate some feedback. At this point I feel that things have gone better than I would have expected for around a 200 dollar investment (not counting the original nugs.)

Please check out the pictures and let me know what you think. Is it too early to start making yield predictions (assuming 3 females?)

These plants also seem to have a good genetic variety amongst the 7 plants, some more sativa looking than others.

So, in short.
1. Yield estimation? Possible to make one at this point?
2. 18/6 a good light cycle at this point?
3. How long til i switch to 12/12 (12 inches of growspace to work with)
4. LST look ok?





Well-Known Member
1. Yield= 1gram per watt

2. I would go ahead and go to 12/12. You can always tie them over if they get too tall and grow them like a vine.

Looks good good luck


Active Member
Yeah i was thinking the same, a little droopy, but I figure its cause they got flooded last night. Within a couple days they should perk right up.

Anyone given any thought to my question?
Is it ok to repot 1 week into flowering? Or is it too much stress?
Thanks in advance for the reply.


Active Member
looks good for 12-14 days.What strain are they,looks like sativa?heads up homedepot won't have the nuts you want,try a hydro shop or online.good luck....


Active Member
Lol, it seems that the 100% stealth idea didn't pan out. Seems like it got shut down. Gumbo, you still out there??:?

Hope you are still free...


Well-Known Member
I'm also into my first grow with bagseed, we'll see how we do. Good Luck JUMBO...

Love... Tuanis.


Well-Known Member
How is it that you can even grow one plant from start to finish in that little thing? How can you fit a grow light like a hps in it? Can the plants even get big?
Oh and I hope you don't call that a stealth box because if authorities came in and seen that box with wires sticking out of it most likely there gonna check it.