Bagseed Outdoor Grow 1st.


Well-Known Member
Hey all, im starting my journal at last.

Ive germinated 3 seeds, 2 seeds are planted outside in a large long pot outside, and 1 inside on my window sill until its larger.

Im using some mixed healthy soil with worm castings. Ive bought organic bug spray to keep away any pests.

I hope to have you guy's encouragement and comments :peace:.

My window sill seedling.

When the plants are bigger im moving them into a local forest, were i have chosen a spot with appropiate lighting and soil conditions. :joint::D
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Well-Known Member
Its going quite good at the moment, currently the inside plant is rougly 8cms high now.
I havent checked on my outside plants yet, but i will in the morning.

My first plant Bertha.
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Active Member
lookin good, i was going to plant some outside, but the summers been shit. what strain are u growing?


Well-Known Member
Lmao its bagseed, it says it everywhere xD
Its medium stuff.
Bertha is alot greener in the flesh.


Active Member
Bertha, huh? Love the name. I'm growing my first crop right now, which is indoors, but I also started some plants outside. The ones outside made it about two weeks before dying. I'm assuming pests or something got to them? Maybe I just did something wrong. I'll keep watching this, though.


Well-Known Member
The outside ones i planted have all died, Bertha is only left and now i planted her outside too, goodluck to her, im checking her tommorow.
She should be fine.


Well-Known Member

Bertha is doing pretty well, small discolouration due to storms over here and some bird mess but thats about it, its going well and I can only hope for some more sun soon.


Well-Known Member
lookin good bro...I would recommend pinching off the little sprout in the middle at this point if you wanna do more than a one cola plant.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Really? It isnt very old yet only like a couple of weeks... i think lol.
I was planning to top it off tbh.


Well-Known Member
Really? It isnt very old yet only like a couple of weeks... i think lol.
I was planning to top it off tbh.
top my girls at the second set of leaves. thats all the topping I do but you can do it now...this is what my new babies look like and they will grow up to look like my big girls...just make sure if you wanna top them again you wait until you have at least two more sets of leaves. notice on the older plant how low the split starts. but yeah...the little guy looks healthy as can be.



Well-Known Member
Okay then, ill do it tommorow, I assume its just a simple pinching off the leaves yeh?

Thanks alot for your advice and such. :peace:

PS. I checked out your journal and your buds are amazing, respect to ya. :clap:
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Well-Known Member
Okay then, ill do it tommorow, I assume its just a simple pinching off the leaves yeh?

Thanks alot for your advice and such. :peace:

PS. I checked out your journal and your buds are amazing, respect to ya. :clap:
thx man. yours will be too. it is as simple as pinching them off yes...I actually use little grooming scissors but I dont have finger make sure you get the little bud below the leaves and you are all set. i got my eye on your journal :joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks, if its a Bertha not a Bert ill be making cuttings aswell, then hopefully growing them inside as the weather will turn to shit.


Well-Known Member
Hi jinmaster, sorry I didn't call in before. Sorry to hear two of your plants didn't make it. Bertha looks nice and healthy - hope she's not suffering in all this rain. Do you have her in a pot? I'm sick of running in and out to hide my Purps every time the rain comes on LOL. My Cinammons seem to cope with it fine though. Anyway, hope she grows well for you mate, look forward to seeing your next pic.


Well-Known Member
Hey all, im starting my journal at last.

Ive germinated 3 seeds, 2 seeds are planted outside in a large long pot outside, and 1 inside on my window sill until its larger.

Im using some mixed healthy soil with worm castings. Ive bought organic bug spray to keep away any pests.

I hope to have you guy's encouragement and comments :peace:.

My window sill seedling.

When the plants are bigger im moving them into a local forest, were i have chosen a spot with appropiate lighting and soil conditions. :joint::D
They look fine! I always start my seedlings on my window sill up stairs. I do this because the window sill I use is facing east and thats where all that AM sunlight comes from. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
Howdo grrenb said,,,sorry your other 2 didn't make it.
let's just hope the gods smile on Bertha..will bewatching dude.
good luck


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot for your support guys i really appreciate it!
Im getting a update done tommorow, as im topping Bertha.

Hopefully like i said It will be female and ill get lots of cuttings =D

Shame i have no seeds :(.