Bah Humbug

No matter how terrible you think things are....There's always someone that has it worse than you. I deliver newspapers for a living and the holiday season is big for us with tips. What I do is send all my customers a little letter telling them that I would prefer that they donate any money that they were planning on giving me to someone in need. I just sent out those letters Monday. This morning I was met by a customer at 4:00 am as I was putting her paper on her porch who just wanted to tell me how much she appreciated my letter. She wouldn't let me leave untill I took an envelope from her which I did. When I opened the envelope there was a crisp new $100 00 bill with a note from her family to me That basically said it was nice to know there were still good people in the world that cared more about other people than themselves... I tell this little story to show that it doesn't take much to bring a little happiness into people's lives or make them think about those less fortunate especially during this time of year.........and yes I'll find someone less fortunate than me or my family to receive this gift and maybe it will help them out somehow and maybe they in turn can help someone less fortunate or maybe get a lap dance at the local strip club !
Shit meta it's all good dude. There's always ups and downs, it's a part of life. Don't let yourself fall for the thoughts that say you're not in control though- you are and you can keep yourself happy through it all. Ya gots to stay positive man, that's the trick. No matter how bad it gets it's still not as bad as it could be. You still have a job, a family that loves you, and people you in turn love back. Cheers
It's the whole culture we live in now m@n. They make you think to be happy you have to spend a lot of money and go into seasonal debt for people to prove you care about them. It's fucked. I'm tapped out too from saving for vacation. But we got air in our lungs and shoes on our feet. That's more than a lot of people.

@Metasynth I feel ya.

as each subsequent holiday season must trigger the awful memories. Seems it would take a long time to separate the two emotionally...

Said my mind exactly. It helps me to create a shit free zone at home. I stay away from malls, and all other seasonal stuff that our culture seems to think imperative to shove down my throat starting on Black Friday. Not sure if that would help, but it works out for me. It's all hype, consumerism and fakery. Don't buy into it. I know it may be trite, but I agree with those who posted here saying it could be worse. A glass half full mentality is crucial in life, especially over the holidays. Hang in there. it's only 35 more days..:peace:
this process has not at all be fun, they dont tell you anything at all one minute you send in money + paperwork ...than you hear back 3 months later being like 1500 BY MONDAY.

and youre like...uh ok thanks?
Living in america.....

All programs in government give you barely any time before due dates.
It's the whole culture we live in now m@n. They make you think to be happy you have to spend a lot of money and go into seasonal debt for people to prove you care about them. It's fucked. I'm tapped out too from saving for vacation. But we got air in our lungs and shoes on our feet. That's more than a lot of people.

i know, all i got is air on me feets, and shoes in me lungs.. my cpap machine is hating life atm..
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Let's all post the silly stuff we find while looking for gifts.

I still love this one. I saw it first in the sky catalog
