Baking soda PH question please help

I'm about to start feeding my plants and want to adjust the ph of my nutrient solution (growing in soil, using foxfarm trio) I know using baking soda to adjust ph is not advised because it creates excess salt buildup in the soil causing nut lockout. I plan on purchasing ph up/down solutions soon. My question is will it hurt my plants if I use baking soda this one time, until I get my ph up/down? I will only be using this ghetto baking soda method one time and im worried about it hurting anything. I figure since im only using it one time and not consistently throughout the entire grow I should be in good shape....correct me if im wrong tho
... I always thought that the water+nutrient (growbig big bloom) is supposed to have a ph of anywhere between 6-7,,, right now my nutrient water is around 5.8... I gotgot to mention im growing in foxfarm oceans forest as well. .... So my ph is around 5.9-6.... will this be ok for my plants? i'd like a 2nd opinion please... plus my baking soda question has not been answered


Well-Known Member
I seriously doubt a one time use of bakin soda to raise pH a half a point would hurt your plants. On the other hand the proper pH for soil is supposed to be 6.3, so I doubt being a little low one time would hurt either. Unfortunately I don't know which would hurt less.
Hmm.... judging from all the posts it sounds like im a noob worried about nothing :) I'v actually grown weed before without any ph meter and it turned out fine.... it's just I paied 100 bucks for these white widow seeds and Im trying to strive for perfection with only 1 grow under my belt. Thanks for the feedback guys


Well-Known Member
:eyesmoke:Don't listen to that guy. PH of ur water is very important even in soil. Bugs me how people give wrong advice.

I used baking soda a few times with no issues so ull be fine. Just get some ph adjusters asap. Mad farmer makes good ones, cheap and no dyes.

Ur water ph should be around 6.0 - 6.6. . Ur soil ph should be around 6.8 (very important). Check ur soil runoff to keep ph check. Search "checking soil runoff ph". There's a good informative thread on this.

Come stop by my grow if ud like. Just posted some beggining of harvest pics. Links in my sig


Well-Known Member
I'm about to start feeding my plants and want to adjust the ph of my nutrient solution (growing in soil, using foxfarm trio) I know using baking soda to adjust ph is not advised because it creates excess salt buildup in the soil causing nut lockout. I plan on purchasing ph up/down solutions soon. My question is will it hurt my plants if I use baking soda this one time, until I get my ph up/down? I will only be using this ghetto baking soda method one time and im worried about it hurting anything. I figure since im only using it one time and not consistently throughout the entire grow I should be in good shape....correct me if im wrong tho
you will be ok to use it a couple of times .. the only prob with bakingsoda is that it adds a lot of sodium to your water ... its good that you realize how important PH is to your ladies, so dont listen to the bull about it not mattereing .. i usually keep mine at 6.2 but im using a soiless mix not straight soil ..
happy growin
thanks tellno1... I knew I wasn't fucking crazy... I went ahead and ordered the ph-up/down via next day air :) Never again will I ask advice for a ghetto alternative for seeds that cost me $10.00 a piece... just wanted to make sure I had to spend the extra 20 bucks... I'd rather wait since the PH kit will be here tomorrow


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
thanks tellno1... I knew I wasn't fucking crazy... I went ahead and ordered the ph-up/down via next day air :) Never again will I ask advice for a ghetto alternative for seeds that cost me $10.00 a piece... just wanted to make sure I had to spend the extra 20 bucks... I'd rather wait since the PH kit will be here tomorrow
yep , know what you mean .. cash is cash .. hate wasteing it lol you fill get a feel of what ph you need for your girls .. lots of people have their own ideas, some good some bad, but watch your plants they will tell you what they like .. i'd start around a 6.2 ballpark and work from there ..

happy growin


New Member
:eyesmoke:Don't listen to that guy. PH of ur water is very important even in soil. Bugs me how people give wrong advice.

I used baking soda a few times with no issues so ull be fine. Just get some ph adjusters asap. Mad farmer makes good ones, cheap and no dyes.

Ur water ph should be around 6.0 - 6.6. . Ur soil ph should be around 6.8 (very important). Check ur soil runoff to keep ph check. Search "checking soil runoff ph". There's a good informative thread on this.

Come stop by my grow if ud like. Just posted some beggining of harvest pics. Links in my sig
Soil run off indicates near ZERO usable info on a mediums pH. And no matter what you pH your solutions to in the end it will buffer to the mediums pH. Thats solid information........