Baking your weed to increase potency


Well-Known Member
i was reading on another forum and someone was talking about Baking your weed to increase potency . the instructions where to bake your buds at 280f-290f until they break up like coffee grinds. Appropriately 15 minuets.

Have any of u heard of this??
Have any of u Tryed this??

they say id can double the potency of you weed.

I think it just drys the weed out so much that whenn you light up it just bruns fast resulting in more smoke and thinking it has increassed potency:shock:

Let me hear your opinions:leaf::-P


Well-Known Member
sounds pretty dumb to me, maybe ur on the right track w/ just dryer buds burning more completely but i could only imagine the trics just vaporizing away.....


I start vaping lower than that and have spent bud at 300-310. Get a definite answer before you try. Or... try it, and let us know.


Well-Known Member
sounds pretty dumb to me, maybe ur on the right track w/ just dryer buds burning more completely but i could only imagine the trics just vaporizing away.....
+rep for biggie

anyways i know for a fact that THC"C21H30O2" vaporizes at 365 f


Active Member
i was reading on another forum and someone was talking about Baking your weed to increase potency . the instructions where to bake your buds at 280f-290f until they break up like coffee grinds. Appropriately 15 minuets.

Have any of u heard of this??
Have any of u Tryed this??

they say id can double the potency of you weed.

I think it just drys the weed out so much that whenn you light up it just bruns fast resulting in more smoke and thinking it has increassed potency:shock:

Let me hear your opinions:leaf::-P
This is the second worst advice I've heard of.

Baking your herb will not increase potency, rather it will decrease potency and cause an inferior product.

Here is the "trick" to getting potent herb:

Start with good genetics. Grow your plant healthy during veg, and don't let in pests, mold, or diseases. Flower the plant to maturity. Check the trichomes to make sure it has ripened. Cut it down and manicure it tightly. Dry it slowly, in a dark room, away from extreme temps. After 5 to 7 days put your buds into a mason jar and cure for 30 to 60 days.

There is no way to speed up this process. Time is one of the key components to making it work. I've tried speed drying, dehydrator drying, and water curing. All of them produce inferior product compared to a good cut, dry, and cure.


Well-Known Member
Baking will only hurt potency. Putting bud in the over is essentially vaporizing it.
I run my vap. at 285' (digital vape) Plus if it did people would all do it ... most of the time if you dont read it in a book or hear it from everyone normally it is wrong info...

Like you dealer saying "heres your Z and why dont know toss it in the oven at 300' and see what happens"


Well-Known Member
i read a post from a patient whose dr told him to bake his weed and then put it into pill capsules....but ive never heard of baking it to increase potency...i dont even see how that makes sense...


Active Member
The only way baking increases potency is by making edibles and consuming more than you would had you been smoking.


Well-Known Member
doing a proper 2 week cure is key to good smoking weed. there are many ways to speed up the curing process but the weed that has a proper slow cure is the one that smokes the best and has the best punch IMO

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
If you're drying at temp higher than the mid 80's, the end product will not be what it could have been.

Low and slow for optimum taste and potency.

For drying weed, mid to low 70's with approx 50% humidity seems to get the best results.

Of course followed by a good cure.