Active Member
Firstly, before anything is said, i just checked my email and them seeds are on the fucking way. took less than a day to process the payment and send them sweet seeds on their way to me. secondly, i smoked as soon as i got home a lil bowl and took a shower than took a quiz for my sociology WHICH BRINGS ME TO THE TITULAR POINT. i've always worked fulltime but never gone to school or worked fulltime going to school. i've worked partime like 15-20 hrs but that's w/e. now that i'm a college student and have responsibilities to work fulltime it seems that the keel that is supposed to be kept between school and work is difficult to balance. being honest, I've hardly cracked open my sociology book and got an 80% on the test because i take good notes in class and have an impeccable knack for memorizing something instantaneously(plus i cheated on a few questions n googled them) POINT BEING.....the main reason i haven't done much reading is because i'm working and when i'm not working i really just want to be relaxing smoking and watching some good ol fashioned tv. i've been good doing good in getting the homework done for the classes that require i hand it in but for example in math i don't have to hand it in so i've been slacking on doing it. and i WANT to do them because its an extra credit grade plus its a good exercise for when you gotta take the tests. i dont have class until monday and didn't have class today but with the homework and reading i have to do it feels as if i'm in class whenever i'm not at work. and if i slack on the homework i feel like i'm gonna get a flaming F even though we've gotten like 3 assignments total in each class. anyways, my little rant. don't shoot me.