Balcony - 5-6 hrs Direct Sunlight So Far

Hey I'm growing some big devils, if you wouldn't mind could you post a few pics of your big devils and how old they are? Just for comparison.

Cheers and sick thread +rep


Well-Known Member
I finally found out which seeds these were: The Purps.

Mmmhhh.. googled some pictures and looks damn delicious. Cant wait! :P

No input yet on whether or not those two little 17w lights actually do something?

whats the name of this seed/plant i want to order it


Active Member
whats the name of this seed/plant i want to order it
?! people who read before posting are clearly at an advantage. you quoted the answer yourself. :-? :eyesmoke:

update on the plants: the purps have recovered a bit of their colours after the foliar fed and normal feeding afterwards. still not where i want it to be but on the right track, i guess. the red horse are really growing fast now and it seems that they want a bit more N as well, as the top of the plants stems started turning purple. ugh... can anyone recommend a decent organic N component that i wouldnt necessarily have to buy? :P i have read about urin but very much doubt that my stoned blood is healthy enough to rely on. 8)

ill post a couple more pics in the next days. btw. the big devil auto was sadly attacked by my two cats twice already. once it had been ripped out entirely when it was still in the very early stage. luckily i managed to recover it both times and now i have repotted it and it seems to be slowly thriving as well. almost starting the proper veg phase.

aight, peace and out! :leaf:


Active Member
Hey I'm growing some big devils, if you wouldn't mind could you post a few pics of your big devils and how old they are? Just for comparison.

Cheers and sick thread +rep

hey, cheers for checking in. ill post some pics in the next couple of days. how far along are you? :)
Hey, sorry for the late reply. As of today I believe I am 3 weeks in from sprouting (or 23 days from seed as seeds took 2 days to germ). They're 6.5 and 7 inches tall. Lots of new leaf development so I'm pretty happy about that. I'll try to snap up a few pictures in a few days and post em up. Overall I'm quite happy for my first grow and considering the weather which has been on and off when it comes to sun. Also growing in less than recommended soil, aka Miracle Grow Organic. Tho they seem to be doing fine.


EDIT: Sorry to hear about your Big Devils, hopefully they pull through fine - pesky cats:sad:


Active Member
View attachment 1674664

Hey man - heres a pic of my big devils
hey there man! there are looking good. for sure look healthier than mine. i dont have much time atm due to a new job but here is some pics i grabbed yesterday. the small one is the big devil auto and then we got 2 red horses and 2 the purps.

i noticed some of the lower leaves are getting quite washed out and some brown big spots. any ideas?



Active Member
morning green fellas, figured it was time for another update and show you guys a bit more of what im working or being limited with (as i call it).


the next one is a close up of the big devil auto. she started flowering about a week ago.


and the last one shows them at night.


seeing as i live in a big city here, im sometimes wondering if all the lights on the street are interfering with the natural light cycle. for example, last year i had to force flower them by putting them in at night. but that might also just have been my impatience. well, i have a about 6-8 weeks ahead compared to last year so maybe ill just try to be patient and work with the 2 big devils seeds i have left. unfortunately 2-3 plants per person are officially only tolerated. as i live with my gf only (and 2 cats) i guess im pushing the limits a bit already. gotta wait till the tiny red horse will finish flowering (im hoping in about 2 weeks) and then the big devil. which shouldnt take more than another month or so, i reckon. then ill plant my last 2 big devils while waiting for the big ones. in any case, hope you enjoy some more pics and as always any advise or suggestions are welcome. peace and out! :leaf:


Active Member
Hey your plants are lookin' pretty good. I'm growing 3 Big Devil's my self
Hope to see a lot of updates on your Big Devil.
hah, i just commented on your post earlier mentioning the same thing. ive got 2 seeds left which i will plant soon and then hopefully under better conditions. this one was ripped out twice by my cats. im surprised its even alive today. lol. but yea, ill post a couple more update before she gets done and looking forward to yours as well! cheers!


Active Member
hah, i just commented on your post earlier mentioning the same thing. ive got 2 seeds left which i will plant soon and then hopefully under better conditions. this one was ripped out twice by my cats. im surprised its even alive today. lol. but yea, ill post a couple more update before she gets done and looking forward to yours as well! cheers!
I noticed this right after I posted! xD
How long after seed is that picture of your Big Devil flowering taken? This is my first time with an Auto


Active Member
I noticed this right after I posted! xD
How long after seed is that picture of your Big Devil flowering taken? This is my first time with an Auto
the seed sprouted on the 29th of may. transplanted it once after it had recuperated from "the attacks" around the age of 1 month id say. im using an organic fert 3-4 times a week with npk 10-7-9, foliar feeding only. soil gets plain water that has been waiting in a bottle at least 1 day. and last but not least, this is also my first time playing around with autos :P
Good stuff man. My big devils also had brown/orange spots. I think it was a cal-mag deficiency or just a NPK nute deficiency. But when I stopped carbon filtering my water (removes iron,mag, and cal) + feeding nutes the brown spots remained but no new ones appeared.

Blows that your cat had to fuck up your big devils(luckily they're hardy fuckers), and good thing you have 2 more seeds left. Mine just starting flowering around a week ago. They really soak up nutes without a problem I used full dose of a 10-30-10 with 1L of water for each plant and they loved it. Mine are actually starting to become a slight problem as they're growing taller than my deck and people will start noticing them. I'll see if I can post up any new pics in the next few days.



Well-Known Member
Check out my grow to see some pics of big devils and harvest pics as well, I just chopped two in the last week or so. Tryed some dried and one day cured big devil.

Very very fruity smell and taste. I was suprised at the potency for autos, yield was shit though. about a half ounce on the first one and looks to be about the same on the second one.


Active Member
Check out my grow to see some pics of big devils and harvest pics as well, I just chopped two in the last week or so. Tryed some dried and one day cured big devil.

Very very fruity smell and taste. I was suprised at the potency for autos, yield was shit though. about a half ounce on the first one and looks to be about the same on the second one.
hey, thanks for checking in, man. it looks like my big devil isnt gonna yield a whole lot either. but lets just see and wait. maybe next time, ill start with a bigger pot and less obstacles on the way. ;)

but i can see your point about them smelling fruity. indeed indeed, my man! cant wait to taste them either. im giving them about another month or so, i reckon.

in any case, here's a small update: not much happening really. upgraded the pot of the biggest red horse to a 25l one. apart from that, doesnt seem like they are growing much but im aware of the fact that watching them daily will not really show much growth. blabla. and such forth. gotta stay of the sativa, it seems. too much rambling ;)

pictures now!

IMG_0890 copy.jpg
the big red horse and her smaller sister. tried cloning one of her bud sites. unfortunately unsuccessfully.

and the purps in the back.

close up of the big devil. id say about 3 1/2 weeks into flowering.

from today (overcast)

:blsmoke: :peace:


Active Member
hey, thanks for checking in, man. it looks like my big devil isnt gonna yield a whole lot either. but lets just see and wait. maybe next time, ill start with a bigger pot and less obstacles on the way. ;)

but i can see your point about them smelling fruity. indeed indeed, my man! cant wait to taste them either. im giving them about another month or so, i reckon.

in any case, here's a small update: not much happening really. upgraded the pot of the biggest red horse to a 25l one. apart from that, doesnt seem like they are growing much but im aware of the fact that watching them daily will not really show much growth. blabla. and such forth. gotta stay of the sativa, it seems. too much rambling ;)

pictures now!

:blsmoke: :peace:
Lookin good! Have to say I can honestly see a daily growth in mine so far. Their getting bigger then i expected but not by much. I'll have more pics up thursday


Well-Known Member
im sure enjoying read this thread and nice pictures too....i gotta say outstanding job with those plants . But each time you mentioned about transplanted several times it got me know it can cause stunt or slow growth rate from my exprerince....but you re handled transplant very good. i also have two seedling (2 weeks) now along with stunted 2 months plant (expriement) at my patio. Keep this thread updated about your harvest :)


Active Member
im sure enjoying read this thread and nice pictures too....i gotta say outstanding job with those plants . But each time you mentioned about transplanted several times it got me know it can cause stunt or slow growth rate from my exprerince....but you re handled transplant very good. i also have two seedling (2 weeks) now along with stunted 2 months plant (expriement) at my patio. Keep this thread updated about your harvest :)
ahoy there matey! cheers for checking in. i must say that by looking at other threads this one does seem a tad less significant but hey, still an improvement from last year. and its good fun to take it a bit more serious. the plants are growing finally nicely each day. ive found quite a nice org. fertilizer with 10-7-9 and its brought back a lot of the dark greeness. mhmhh. plus we have also started having a nice summer in august. lets see how long it lasts.:hump:

and finally, small update:

overview of all the plants.


close up of the big devil auto, 6 weeks into flowering. give her maybe another 2 or so, i recckon.
