Balcony growing in Florida Help? please :)

I have been growing on my balcony for about 4 weeks now and was hoping someone could tell me if they are on the right growth timeline. The weather here seems perfect for other plants which lead me to think my plants would do just fine in the climate.

I am using Canna Bio Vega organic food, and planted in Foxfarm Ocean Forest soil in a 5gl pot.

My plants are getting light from about 7:30-8a.m. to about 7:00-8 at night but not direct the whole time, how do i know they are getting enough light?

Just today i noticed about 3 tiny white spots on the leaves (see picutre) any ideas on what they may be?

Also after veg how would i induce flowering when i cannot change the length of light/dark they are recieving? Should i invest in a HPS light and move the grow indoors?

ANY tips, hints, constructive criticisms are MORE than welcome!
thanks a lot!

more little white spots have shown up. not a lot more, just a few. HELP?



Active Member
i think that looks like one of those tiny grasshopper bugs. filthy things are sucking out all the green. apart from that it looks good though. im doing a balcony grow as well, sadly only getting 6 hrs of direct sunlight. a bit further ahead though. check my sig if you want. also using canna bioveg :)