Baldwin. Guilty ? Of what ? BANG. Whoops.

"District court judge Mary Marlowe Sommer sentenced Halls to a six-month suspended sentence with unsupervised probation,
a $500 fine, 24 hours of community service and a firearms safety class."
Have we figured out why there was live rounds loaded yet? That’s what i wanna know.
I don’t see how it could have been Alec’s fault.
Did he pull the trigger? Of course. Did he think he didn’t even need to not? Of course. Did he lie about actually pulling the trigger? Yes.
Are we any closer to finding out why there was a live round in the chamber? Curious because i’ve been busy as hell and haven’t heard anything
I think prosecution on the armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed is still going forward, although they could refile against Baldwin if new evidence presents. I'm sure the fact that Baldwin can afford $2000 an hour attorneys doesn't hurt. In the initial documents Gutierrez-Reed was alluding to the ammo/blank supplier giving them "live" rounds mislabeled as "blanks". However, initially crew members reported they were plinking on the set, a definite no-no and supposedly with the knowledge of Guitierrez. I don't know if the weapons they were "target" practicing with were the actual set production weapons. Still, the armorer should know better, especially given who her dad is.

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didn’t they find other live rounds on set in addition to the one discharged? thought I read that somewhere. The whole thing is tragic!
Yeah I read that they used the same gun that killed the gal while "plinking" on their lunch breaks. Pretty fucking irresponsible of the firearms supervisor to have ever allowed any live rounds on the set let alone using the actual guns used in the show. Sad and so preventable if rules and protocols had been set.