Baldwin. Guilty ? Of what ? BANG. Whoops.

His career is far from over. He’s the only guy to play trump on Saturday night live. Lmfao. Honestly. I think that’s where his career stands. And probably not anymore

I to believe their is a black secret. But not against whom lost their life. Remember. The director of the film was shot as well. And a large portion of people walked off set in protest against safety concerns hours before the shooting. And also. More than one live round was fried. That’s weird. Iv shot blanks. You can feel the blowback from the projectiles. Vs not and just powder weight.
Right, The director was shot.
Baldwin might have been aiming for him, got nervous and shot Halyna.
Anyway, RIP Halyna .She didn’t deserve to go like this.
Fucking Prick. Is this some weird plublicity stunt . Go somewhere where no one has gone before.

The movie was about a man defending his son from an accidental shooting.

Halyna is Ukrainian and grew up around Murmansk where the Soviet sub naval base is, like in the movie Baldwin starred in 'The Hunt for Red October"
Obviously anyone that owns a gun should have proper training on safety, use and storage. Ideally anyone willing to use a gun should also have basic trauma treatment training.

However why a citizen should own a semi auto is simple, personal defense. Whether that be at home during the long period between someone breaking in and invading your house, and when the cops FINALLY get there after being called. Or if you are like me and many others who enjoy hiking/camping in forests that are home to cougars and bears, and sadly sometimes weirdos on drugs, carrying a firearm is wise to prevent being attacked and killed in the woods. It would be foolish to think a single shot weapon would be enough against any decent size animal.
Especially these pesky gators 08F38C1D-D9E3-4D17-B37C-D4A3C415CC8C.jpeg
How many accidentally deaths will it take to get guns off the streets and sets? That dude is directly shot him to the head? That is as fucked as it gets. If someone was holding a gun to my head for play time I would want to check that gun very well before they fired it off . Using guns and props makes them Appear as Toys. Guns are not Toys or Propts.

Halyna’s should be the last accidental movie set death.
I hope the film industry steps it up
And makes some
He did it to himself, it's in the article.
Hexum was bored and played Russian roulette with a prop gun. BUT guess what? Enough blew into his brain to kill him.
He saved and enhanced the life of so many people. At least not all was lost, bless him for all the donations.
My understanding with Brandon Lee is that a round with no gun powdered was used in one shot where they don't shoot it, but the next shot a blank was put in and the projectile part was lodged in there making a full bullet.
My understanding with Brandon Lee is that a round with no gun powdered was used in one shot where they don't shoot it, but the next shot a blank was put in and the projectile part was lodged in there making a full bullet.
The bullet lodged in the barrel is called a sqib load iirc.
This is probably the source of the live round …. Bored crew members live shooting rounds with it.

Non union / noob crew members and a real firearm …. WCGW ?
Weapon was described as having misfires and hangs …

“ Members of the film crew working on the set where a cinematographer was shot dead by the actor Alec Baldwin are reported to have been using the gun involved for live target practice. “