'Ball of fire' if Iran attacked: IAEA chief


Well-Known Member
looks like isreal is gonna start the war then we will be brought into it once iran attacks us over the boarders in Iraq

I think the they fear what wuold happen if barak obama wins the election so they are going to act while they still have a freind in the whitehouse

'Ball of fire' if Iran attacked: IAEA chief
Jun 21 10:08 AM US/Eastern

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The UN atomic watchdog chief warned on Saturday that an attack on Iran over its controversial nuclear programme would turn the region into a fireball, as Tehran rejected an Israeli strike as "impossible."
Mohamed ElBaradei also warned that he would not be able to continue in his role as International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) director general should the Islamic republic be attacked.
His stark comments came as Iran stressed yet again that it will not negotiate with world powers over its nuclear programme if it is required to suspend its controversial uranium enrichment.
"A military strike (against Iran) would in my opinion be worse than anything else ... It would transform the Middle East region into a ball of fire," ElBaradei said in an interview with Al-Arabiya television.
A report by the New York Times on Friday cited US officials as saying a major Israeli military exercise earlier this month seemed to be a practice for any potential strike against Iran's nuclear facilities.
In Athens, an official with the Greek air force's central command confirmed the substance of the US media report, stating that it had taken part in "joint training exercises" with Israel off the Mediterranean island of Crete.
The manoeuvres, code-named "Glorious Spartan 08," took place on May 28 and June 12, and consisted of aerial exercises and knowledge exchange, said the Greek source, who requested anonymity.
The goal was for more than 100 Israeli F-16 and F-15 fighter jets to prepare for long-range strikes and demonstrate Israel's serious concern over Iran's nuclear ambitions, the Times reported.
But ElBaradei said any attack would simply harden Iran's position in its row with the West over its nuclear programme.
"A military strike would spark the launch of an emergency programme to make atomic weapons, with the support of all Iranians, including those living abroad," he said.

He did not believe that there was an "imminent risk" of proliferation given the current status of Iran's nuclear programme and made it clear he would "not have a place" as IAEA head in the event of a military strike.
The West fears that Tehran could use uranium enrichment to make an atomic bomb although Tehran insists it only wants nuclear technology for peaceful energy purposes.
ElBaradei's comments come as Iran stressed on Saturday it will not negotiate with world powers over its nuclear programme if it is required to suspend its enrichment activities.
"Suspending uranium enrichment has no logic behind it and it is not acceptable and the continuation of negotiation will not be based on suspension," Iranian government spokesman Gholam Hossein Elham told reporters.
He responded to talk of a military strike by saying "such impudence and audacity to have an aggression against our national interest and integrity is an impossible action."
For his part, Iran's ambassador to the IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, said Tehran would "continue uranium enrichment non-stop since this activity is under the 24 hour surveillance (of IAEA cameras).
"The request to stop uranium enrichment is an old issue and does not have any legal or technical foundation," he added.
In Jerusalem, the Israeli parliament foreign affairs and defence commission chairman Tsahi Hanegbi said Saturday that Western diplomatic efforts to halt Iran's nuclear programme had failed.
"Next year and the year after that will be crucial. The world must must decide if it gives more time to diplomatic efforts, which currently do not seem very promising," he told Israeli public radio.
"Western measures against Iran's nuclear programme have failed."
On June 6 an Israeli Deputy Prime Minister, Shaul Mofaz, warned that Iran would face attack if it pursues what he said was its nuclear weapons programme.
A week ago, European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana presented a new offer to Mottaki on ending the six-year standoff over Iran's nuclear drive, offering economic and trade incentives. Iran is still considering the plan. It was made on behalf of Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States.


New Member
Yeah, time is running out. They must start another war to get McSame elected, then we can have eternal war. Blame it on Israel, that's a good one. I wonder who thought that one up, Lieberman? We need to get some diplomatic involvement with Iran quick, dis-involve us from any attack by Israel.. The ensuing slaughter of our troops by an invasion of 1,000,000 Kuds with a willingness to meet Allah may wake up the American people but probably not. They (Bush) will just sell it as an unprovoked attack and WWIII is on. Start digging your Bunker. Me, I'm sitting on top of thousands of Nukes at Nellis AFB, It will be over in a giant flash which I'll probably never see.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, time is running out. They must start another war to get McSame elected, then we can have eternal war. Blame it on Israel, that's a good one. I wonder who thought that one up, Lieberman? We need to get some diplomatic involvement with Iran quick, dis-involve us from any attack by Israel.. The ensuing slaughter of our troops by an invasion of 1,000,000 Kuds with a willingness to meet Allah may wake up the American people but probably not. They (Bush) will just sell it as an unprovoked attack and WWIII is on. Start digging your Bunker. Me, I'm sitting on top of thousands of Nukes at Nellis AFB, It will be over in a giant flash which I'll probably never see.

here you go my friend you can watch it

YouTube - The End, Nuclear War

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
This entire presidency has been one big nose tweaking marathon....he's tried to piss off more people....we don't need this crap. NO MORE WAR!:cry:


Well-Known Member
you still got a good 4 years just enough time for babark obama to figure out that to do, I hope hes got a good speach for this one:roll:
my daughter recently just came into the world....

i would hope i have more than 4 years for me and her...


Well-Known Member
Israel will look for any reason (nukes the favorite ''reason'') to kill civilians.
now i always figured that having folks indiscriminately shooting rockets at you and blowing up civilian targets were pretty damn good reasons for shooting back, but i guess i just ain't none too bright. i suppose that if i was surrounded by folks telling me they were going to blow me to kingdom come i might have a bit of an itchy trigger finger, but i guess i'm just none too civilized. if they did all that while hiding behind their women and children i might not have what it take to miss the noncombatants, but i'm just probably a bit too rash. i don't really have anything against the israelis except for those few fanatics that tend to exist in any society, but i don't go believing every bit of anti-semitic propaganda either. i guess i'm just ignorant, now ain't i.


Well-Known Member
I look at it this way, Israel has shown great restraint for years not using their Nukes and fighting those around them with convectional weapons.
I also have seen reasons why Israel should have used their Nukes.
One thing that you guys should remember about if Iran attacks Israel (and it will be with Nukes) The Palestinians will get it too... Not only would they be killing Jews, but it would also kill the Palestinians either directly or by fallout.

One thing you guys don't seem to realize is that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is on a religious mission, thinking that if he brings an apocalypse it will bring back the 12th imam.
He doesn't care about mutual assured annihilation.


New Member
I look at it this way, Israel has shown great restraint for years not using their Nukes and fighting those around them with convectional weapons.
I also have seen reasons why Israel should have used their Nukes.
One thing that you guys should remember about if Iran attacks Israel (and it will be with Nukes) The Palestinians will get it too... Not only would they be killing Jews, but it would also kill the Palestinians either directly or by fallout.

One thing you guys don't seem to realize is that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is on a religious mission, thinking that if he brings an apocalypse it will bring back the 12th imam.
He doesn't care about mutual assured annihilation.
I'm pretty sure you could put the "christian" Bush in this category also. 6 more months, keep your fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
Why do you think when I say something that is "Common Sense" you think I am sticking up for Bush????
You know better than that.
If brains were ammunition, Bush wouldn't have enough to blow his own head off.


New Member
Why do you think when I say something that is "Common Sense" you think I am sticking up for Bush????
You know better than that.
If brains were ammunition, Bush wouldn't have enough to blow his own head off.
I wasn't implying that you were sticking up for bush, chill out. I was just mentioning that Bush is every bit as crazy as ahmadinajad, and he could start WWIII as easy as the Iranian dickhead, and we only have 6 more intense months to worry about it, Geeze, you've become so paranoid. If you haven't noticed, I am well aware of common sense, in fact 99% of my posts are based on just that principle. Vi may say otherwise, but so what?


New Member
Right, Med. Hey ... once the Christ of Change is comfortable in the Oval Office, we will have nothing to worry about. Terrorism, by His very presence, will be over. He will anoint the eyes of the leaders of Iran with Progressive Oil. He will pat them on the back, grovel profusely, as only a guilt-ridden, misdirected liberal can, and all will be OK. The end of terrorism as we know it. :roll:
