Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)


Well-Known Member
I wish I had the money, time and space to do what you have done there very nice :D. I'm thinking next grow I'll do hydroponics as well. Just dunno about nutes and feedings.

+Rep great work man :}


Well-Known Member
Its all pretty easy. Just gotta start low on nutrient strength and work your way up ans see what your plants can handle. But you usually do the same with soil, so it's not that hard of a transition.


Well-Known Member
had a problem with the nutrients always burning the shite out of my grows....haven't changed a fecking thing and the girls seem to be OK...WTF?.....guess you have to take each plant individually eh?....glad your back on the feck do you get spider mites?, seriously?....:eyesmoke:....growing in an elevated dwelling we don't see that shite, or maybe just don't know if they are some pics?:joint:


Well-Known Member
Ok, I got asked to put some finished bud shots up on my other site, so here they are. These are my white widows that have been curing for 4 weeks. They have an almost spicy floral smell and a taste i cant quite describe, but it is kinda musky and sweet with almost a zippy bite like a lemon head. It makes my tounge go numb first hit like nummise.

I will also have a real update coming alter.


Well-Known Member
Ok. I have done a little tweaking to fight a spider mite problem. I Have added an extra humidifier to keep the rh@55%. I also dropped the temps down to about 72F. Did this because the mites best breeding enviroment is 80F and dry. Also finally fixed my RO purifier. Initial ppm is now under 10 instead of the previous 330. The Flower res stays at a constant 71F with between 800-1100ppm. These plants are hungry. Put 1200ppm mix in 2 days ago, and this morning it was at 450ppm. Added more nutrients to bring it up to 880ppm. The plants are growing fast and dont seem to show signs of slowing despite the mites. I have sprayed twice with a 1:3 alcohol:water mix and it seemed inaffective, so today I steped it up to Einstien Oil(neem oil) and gave the girls a thourough soaking. I hope this works, becasue i am quicly running out of days that I can get away with spraying, because as the buds grow, moisture will lead to mold problems. But as you can see in the pics, its a small infestation, barely noticable. No webs. Here are the pics.



Well-Known Member

I like your double closet alot, I was thinking oh there is another little space under the lower stairs but that space is damn workable.

Very nice. that 9+oz was off of how many plants?


Well-Known Member
It was off of 6 White Widows. Was my first grow and had numerous problems, but mostly minor. I know my yield would have been higher if there was no nutrient burn, but what can you do. nothing goes perfect. New grow is all dialed in and going perfect and spider mites decide to show up.


Well-Known Member
I will be Updating Later today with some pics of my outdoor Girl. Plan on chopping her down next weekend.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys. Some hard work and a whole lot of research can really pay off. Glad you are enjoying the show. There will be pleanty more to watch coming up.


Well-Known Member
This is my outdoor Piss plant. I planted it in early June after growing from bagseed indoors for a month.I fed it about once a month with my GH Flora nutrients with molasses. The plant has a very strong odor that can be smelled 15 feet away. I will be harvesting it next weekend. Here are the pics. I figured I'd put a lot up since it was the last pre-harvest update and a day later than I said It would be.



Well-Known Member
Thanks bro. Preliminary smoke report is great. I cut a small nug off of a bottom branch and dehydrated it for 24hrs. at 105F. I know this isn't how you're supposed to dry and cure bud, but it is the best method I have found for next day tests before harvest, because I believe you should always test it before you cut it. But even dehydrated it has a very strong couchlock with an almost equally soaring head high. Taste and smell are a incredible strong musky floral bite to it even with no curing. I have to imagine this shit will be amazing with this final week of growth and proper drying and curing.


Well-Known Member
One awesome journal bro, just went through it all..
But with such a huge rooting system in that last bubbler.. are you filling it up with water couple of times a day?
And I also see some really big plants a couple of pages back.. couldn't see for sure, but were those also grown in a DWC bubbler?
I want to take a clone of my current White Rhino veg. and turn it into a mother so I could have a perpetual White Rhino grow.
But I'd also like to make a big bubbler and just veg 1 White Rhino (my strain of choice) very big and then trigger flowering.



Well-Known Member
man that plant outside looks great man!!!! what strain is it?
want to know what u yeild off that:)


Well-Known Member
One awesome journal bro, just went through it all..
But with such a huge rooting system in that last bubbler.. are you filling it up with water couple of times a day?
And I also see some really big plants a couple of pages back.. couldn't see for sure, but were those also grown in a DWC bubbler?
I want to take a clone of my current White Rhino veg. and turn it into a mother so I could have a perpetual White Rhino grow.
But I'd also like to make a big bubbler and just veg 1 White Rhino (my strain of choice) very big and then trigger flowering.

Yeah. You can veg for as long and as big as you want or the strain can handle. Just remember that a 100-150% increase is typical when flowering begins. Make sure you have the room and lighting to handle a plant that size(outdoor is easiest). And to the other question, At the moment I have 5 DWC mothers.(Mango, Blue Mystic, Mazar, Blue Kush, White Widow(WW3pheno) I am also currently rooting a clone of that strain growing outdoors, a local growers strain called Piss(Cat PissxNLx?) You also have to stay on top of training or topping with hydro mothers because the will keep trying to grow to the strains potential from the general lack of getting rootbound and constant nutrients mixed with my 24/0 light cycle.