This was one of those experiments I was looking forward to, the time I spent researching harvesting and curing was a lot longer than when I research most things as you could tell by the 4 part ditty I wrote on it and I knew it was going to be an adventure in learning for me. It has been really cool that others have taken the plunge with drowning their plants and all reports on that have been good as you all know, I am anxious to do it
And building the fermentation chamber was a blast for me, going shopping for the supplies and slowly bringing it all together was fun, I like to design and create, it's in my blood

I took my time thinking I have several weeks to go and then knowing that my friend RMH was about to harvest I asked for a small donation to test things out as I have already told you. I do want to let you know that the pile of buds is actually pretty big, there are 5 main colas in there and to give you an idea that shelf is 25 inches wide X 18 inches deep ( I will throw a bic in the next set of pics to give you a better idea)
I took these pics this morning and instead of posting them I wrote a PM to RMH and asked him to go take a look at the trichs on the uncut goddess plants to see what the % of amber was, he answered back 10% ,,,after being in the chamber for a day and a half when I checked this morning I was seeing trichs at 70% amber, folks this damn thing works and you will see in the pics that they are pulling N from the leaves (as discussed in the ditty N is required for the chemical changes that take place during fermentation) the leaves are drying and changing colors and more of the buds are now exposed, you can see the nice purples that are coming out. So in a nutshell the buds are drying and curing at the same time (I think it will be even better with a drowning) and ripening and this may be the most important thing??? cause these were chopped 2 weeks early yet in less than 2 days they ripened right up as if they were done and ready, seriously you can practically watch the trichs change to amber
this was one research effort that has paid off big time!
Enjoy the pics