Baltimore adventure worth it??


Well-Known Member
I just moved to Baltimore a few weeks back. I have been scouting locations for some outdoor. There are very limited places that I would be able to grow. The only problem is that they are all within earshot of either a house or a road. I'm not worried about getting busted. I'm mainly worried about my crop getting stolen. Baltimore is crawling with people day and night.

Could it be possible to grow so close to people without being noticed? Any suggestions/tips would be greatly appreciated! +rep :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I used to live in baltimore and I would never risk growing outside for fear of someone stealing them. That's just my opinon tho


Well-Known Member
It's all going to be personal smoke. So it would be a small patch(Non-School zone). I have a feeling I can pull it off I am just trying to find some encouragement.


Well-Known Member
You know your neighborhood better than me so if you feel comfortable go for it. I'm thinking about the city. If you're in Baltimore county then your odds improve. I wish you nothing but the best


bud bootlegger
what about some abanded lot somewhere that is largely overgrown?? i would imagine that baltimore is similiar to philly in that way, and i would think that you would be able to find some form of over grown lot somewhere or another.. try and find an out of the way corner of said lot, and go for it..
i would try and grow a couple of autos there first and see how that goes.. they should stay short, and easily hidden..

piney bob

Active Member
I like to find a dense patch of tall bushes preferably resembling herb that is large enough to "hallow out" with some loppers or a machete or whatever, making sure there is a 2-3 foot wall of bush so as not to see your stash through. but it cant be too tall or dense that light wont travel to the center of it.


Well-Known Member
I know growers who have had their crops stolen 10 miles back into the mountains, and you think they won't find it in Baltimore! lol! Rippers have ungodly abilities!

Pinche rippers!!!

I grow in my backyard & have 24hr security, someone is always home during outdoor season.

Good luck



Well-Known Member
when i was growing outdoors we alway went witha simple equation. 1 for the rippers, 1 for the cops, and 1 for you.
some years this worked out better than others but its usually pretty solid.


Well-Known Member
Id say go for it especially if its just some bagseed, why not right? But as far as trying to conceal it I usually do some low stress training. I grow in my backyard and I live kind of close to my neighbors so its perfect to keep short but stll get nice nugs. Idk how experienced of a grower you are but I've been looking at trying the screen of green. (SCROG) method looks the best for concealment


Well-Known Member
I can train the the plant to make just about any shape. It just takes patience. I found some nice spots. Mid morning sun until around 4pm. 7hours a day is sufficient. I live in an apartment so My back yard is the city! lol I am going to find a nice concealed place. I will top a couple of times and just let them bush out. How many plants should I do? I was thinking 10 total but if the female ratio is 50/50. There might be 5 females. Then 2-3 might get ripped or mold. That would only leave 2-3 good females. I would like to have 15 healthy females at the end of the season. So I would need 45 plants! :/ Any tips guys?


Active Member
Using about the same formula this season. I want a hypothetical 15 surviving females, so I plan to germ about 45... Just don't try and grow where I'm growin' or else......:fire: