Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge hit by cargo ship

View attachment 5381159

View attachment 5381164
View attachment 5381166

I was talking about all these different thermite looking flashes going off, with showeres of molten sparks, smoke, and flames. Watch the vid frame by frame in these areas! Looks like it was rigged for controlled demo to me. As if it was set to go off at the same time the ship veered into the pillar at the last minute.
At 5:17 you can see white spray coming up from between the supports (compare it to the next over support). If it was thermite the front of the ship would be lit up and we do not see it brighten. We do see the spray of water as the ship's lighting (or is it the bridge's?) illuminates it. With the video on slow speed you can see the spray go up and then down in an arc. In my books smoke would rise while if you throw water up in the air it eventually falls down. It makes a lot more sense than someone wiring up the bridge support, aimed the ship at the support and then kill all electrical power on the ship long enough to hit the bridge. Also the ship is being controlled by harbormaster, people who drive every big vessel through the same area day in and day out.
They have special thermite charges that don't make as much of a flash, for military operations, etc.. Cost to much to use on regular building/bridge demolitions though, which would be very obvious in that case..
I see the splash your talking about. Thats not what I mean though.. I'm talking about the charges that go off starting from the left of the bridge all the way to the right, along all the upper supports. It even has a slight delay, just like real demos.
I see the splash your talking about. Thats not what I mean though.. I'm talking about the charges that go off starting from the left of the bridge all the way to the right, along all the upper supports. It even has a slight delay, just like real demos.
Then I am not sure where you mean. There is light coming off the roadway as it rotates. Just watched the Sun's video, the screen cropped a little. There are lighting poles and you can see them on and then falling. Might that be what you are seeing.
I see the splash your talking about. Thats not what I mean though.. I'm talking about the charges that go off starting from the left of the bridge all the way to the right, along all the upper supports. It even has a slight delay, just like real demos.

I looked and saw no charges going off.

Do you hear explosions when somebody's camera strobe goes off? Sounds like a personal problem but I'm not judging.
I did not notice the red circles before (but I did read your post), the top one is interesting. It seems to move back and forth. It is really pissing me off as I try to stop and start youtube and it kicks me out of full screen. Still trying to see the other flashes.
On youtube, if you pause the video, you can use the < and > (period and comma) keys to skip frame by frame. Keep pressing it to skip ahead, like watching in slow motion.
The one that happens in the top middle part actually happens to the left of the red flashing light, after it stops working. Then it leaves a molten mtrail of mist. I have seen bulbs do that, but it must be at least 10 ft away from the red light that was blinking.

Watch the other main pillar that doesn't get hit by the ship, off to the right. It goes completely up in flames and explosions.
On youtube, if you pause the video, you can use the < and > (period and comma) keys to skip frame by frame. Keep pressing it to skip ahead, like watching in slow motion.

The two bottom circles are street lights. I think the other two are electrical shorts.
The bridge is 10.5 miles long. How much fell?

The flashes up top is one on one side of the bridge, the other flash on the other side.