Bamm's Walk-In Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
Exact same place Im on day 21 now also=) Yeah I fucking hate spider mites with a newfound passion!!!!!!
Very cool...will be a nice comparison at the end! I started giving a bit of Molasses that stuff stinks! Hope my plants like it!

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
hmmmm I haven't tried that.. Im just going to keep doing what Im doing for now.. Next grow Im switching shit around and ditching the Advanced Nutrient and Happy Frog soil... Im going to go simpler and get better yeilds(hopefully) Im planning on just copying what nutes and soil caligrown is using.. Mostly all stuff available easily too=) Not like the advanced isn't but I have like $450 or some rediculous amount of money in my nutes=).. I think I;m going to need to fill my co2 in a week or so also=)it's actually lasting pretty good I feel like


Well-Known Member
hmmmm I haven't tried that.. Im just going to keep doing what Im doing for now.. Next grow Im switching shit around and ditching the Advanced Nutrient and Happy Frog soil... Im going to go simpler and get better yeilds(hopefully) Im planning on just copying what nutes and soil caligrown is using.. Mostly all stuff available easily too=) Not like the advanced isn't but I have like $450 or some rediculous amount of money in my nutes=).. I think I;m going to need to fill my co2 in a week or so also=)it's actually lasting pretty good I feel like

Well it should be a really interesting comparison then. I am using FFOF and FF nutes plus some supplements....hasn't cost me 450 but it hasnt been cheap either....will be interesting to watch how your next grow comes out!

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
=)... You can buy alot of your equipment used on craigslist for fairly cheap!!=) but I did buy the entire co2 setup completely new even though I have another 20lb bottle someplace I can't seem to find it though.... But yeah the nutrients... Like a dumbass I took the bait and fell for the sell... =) Seemed like a good investment at the time=)

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
Well it should be a really interesting comparison then. I am using FFOF and FF nutes plus some supplements....hasn't cost me 450 but it hasnt been cheap either....will be interesting to watch how your next grow comes out!
Yeah I'm thinking it will just be alot easier for everything mixing etc.. and on my wallet also=).. plus next time around I won't have to buy 50 clones at $15/each..OUCH.>>


Well-Known Member
=)... You can buy alot of your equipment used on craigslist for fairly cheap!!=) but I did buy the entire co2 setup completely new even though I have another 20lb bottle someplace I can't seem to find it though.... But yeah the nutrients... Like a dumbass I took the bait and fell for the sell... =) Seemed like a good investment at the time=)

Yeah I bet. That is about the only thing I don't have that I have really considered getting.....a CO2 setup....can be so expensive.....I am not sure the Pros outweigh the cost of that yet.....i dont have so many plants and a pretty small space that is really well vented.....I dont if it would really pay for me...

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
Ok here's some new pictures I just took before the 1000watter comes on in a few hours=)

these first ones are Sour Deisel



Well-Known Member
Very nice pics Bamm! You can definitely see the difference in Veg times between our plants...very interesting! How tall are yours?

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
some are onl;y 6" but they're only like 10days into flowering.. the majority that have been in there the duration are between 12"-26"

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
thanks everyone..I just got back from a local Club picked up some Purple Dragon to smoke on through the new steamroller=) gonna go peak in on my plants now..

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
weird thing is one of the Strawberry Cough clones I got like 10days ago has already caught up to my large trainwrecks....over a foot tall and a few other SC's are only 6"-8"

Ok back to motoGP racing in Spain on SPEED I love this channel..


Active Member
do you not need to vent if you have a CO2 system? it seems like a waste to have your exaust just pull it right back out, also in the begining you said you were doing a scrog isnt that with a net suspended above the canopy?