Banana Kush and Sour Bubble


Well-Known Member
Here we go. So I've finally decided to start these seeds. The decision was tough because I kinda got a lot of things going on right now between going to school and the kids (10 & 2), and I really want to do these right. I LOVE SOUR BUBBLE and Banana Kush is a pretty amazing strain as well!

So I've germinated a few times and what I'm doing this time is soaking in water no longer than 24 hours than putting them in solo cups of dirt and that will be there home for the next couple of weeks.

I'm using a mix of FF Ocean Forest, FF Happy Frog, and good old compost from the back yard (cheaper than running 50/50 with the FF)

I'll sit them under T5's with the rest of the kids, but these ones have a special purpose. I intend on raising these 10 Sour Bubble and 20 Banan Kush and find some super mama's and papa's and head to the laboratory to see what I can come up with.

Once they get big enough I'll clone them, take the clones and allow the clones to get some what mature before I throw it in the flower room, when I take my samples I'm going to want to know that I took the plant to it's max, one way of doing that is not to flower plants to soon, allow them to get a advanced root structure.

So the seeds are going to be a good size by the time clones are in the room and been in there long enough to show sex. I may have allready pulled a few of the slower devolping ones, at least with the banana, i've allready seen that these seeds have not been stabelized, but thats what I intend to do. we go!



Well-Known Member
well, things didn't work out like we had planned...I was disappointed in the sour bubbles...out of 20 or so i got like 5 for sure that are going to make it.....

The bananas were rocking...but we moced them from the clone room to the veg room and they got sprayed...and they died....cept maybe those are my super seeds?!?!?!?

Either way, i got another 20 Banan Kush seeds and I'm about to invest in some TGA seeds, don't know what ones them I'm not going to start any more until i get a better direction....