banana on top of my pot


Active Member
is it true tht if i put a banana on top of my pot it will help my plant grow outside better..? is this true:confused::peace:


New Member
birth control pills will give you a better chance at females.

No, I would stick with what you know to be true, a bananna seems like it will attract ants and other bugs.if you let it compost it would be good.


Well-Known Member
You'd have a better chance attracting girls by putting the banana in your pants,it wont work.


Well-Known Member
i hear if you put orange peels in your weed , cops cant smell it.
also milk works better than water. lol.
I can't see a banana helping it at all. Sun, quality soil and water should work just fine.


Active Member
i have heard that before too, but i heard you chop up and to soil mix when planting it hepls with P,


Well-Known Member
Milk Is Better Than Water?drink Sume Liquor For A Week Straight No Water And See Jabbawakee Happens....


Active Member
I've also herd that running the plant over multiple times with your car will make the buds more dense


Active Member
honestly the only thing i heard about a banana was for indoor grows, maybe outdoors, i dont know???.. but if you put a banana peel or a couple peels next to your plant during harvest time it will ripen them faster because of the ingredient in the peel, it gives off a gas, that is said to ripen the buds faster, i forgot what it was called?? anybody??. and that was from a site that is long gone..I think this is the first serious answer in your question lol


New Member
yeah, vegetables and fruits release a gas that ripens other fruit around it. Its an idea, but i think it would be more trouble than you got good out of it.