Bankers are taking over the world....


Active Member
Just kidding, they already have taken over the world.

SO banking execs are being installed throughout Europe. Seeing as how America is in the same system, and under the same control I wonder if people can see the similarities here. We still have elections, but we are only able to chose between two sponsored "candidates".

I am wondering if people will wake up when this actually happenes here, when they actually install rather then elect their company man. Elections are expensive and really hassel.

Max Keiser;

“We cannot get rid of these zombie bankers, we can’t kill them,” said Keiser, host of RT’s Keiser Report. “Iceland thought they had killed off their zombie terrorist bankers, but they have risen again and are now sticking Iceland. They are a plague around the world, and certainly in Europe. There are no elections, but they are putting bankers in charge to bring back total banking domination as the world goes down the slippery slope into banker hell.”

“In the eurozone they have an opportunity to bring all the balance sheets of all the countries together and create new lending facilities like EFSF which is a new 5 trillion euro lending facility, and they want to build on that to create 10-20 trillion euro lending facilities, because bankers get paid on how much debt they create. More austerity measures bring about more debt, and that brings more fees for bankers and more financial terrorism,” he explained.

“There used to be a thing called moral hazard where if banks took risk, they would be at some point penalized by the system, but now the more risk they take the greater the rewards they get,” he pointed out. “JP Morgan is now going to step in front of the allocated accounts of customers and actually steal money from their accounts. We haven’t seen this level of larceny and theft since the Nazis stole assets from people in Germany in the 30s. This is outrageous, this has not been done in decades. There are no regulations in place at all! Interest rates are zero per cent, so I expect more of the same,” he added.

He rips into Obama pretty good too;