Banned wagon

idiots are people too. people without boats.

I can assure you there are idiots with boats, very big boats. We called it the APG (assholes per gallon). If you've spent anytime on the water you are aware from rowboat to enterprise there are assholes on the water in every class.

Although I would love to drive one of those swift river boats with the .50 on it, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and I would NOT observe the wake rules, catch me first!
No. I don't like talking to the Coast Guard and Border Patrol! I like to smoke a bit of ganja, they generall frown upon that!

Barnbuster, I love me some perch!

Perch are to bony. Ok I'll leave the dynamite but there are some cute Coast Guard babes although I must admit my disappointment in the males of the southern border patrol (so far).
Perch are to bony. Ok I'll leave the dynamite but there are some cute Coast Guard babes although I must admit my disappointment in the males of the southern border patrol (so far).
I don't care what they look like. If they are in a uniform I probably don't want to talk to them! lol
Did you ever read about the huge sturgeon population there used to be in the Great Lakes? We're lucky there are any left at all.
They're there but I think it's illegal to land them, where I am the lake has been so polluted the last 50 yrs with shipping lanes and the such you really wouldn't want to eat anything you caught off shore, you need to get to deep water for that. The last couple of years though things have gotten better, not great but better.
yeah, they're protected here. It's a big deal when they land one, have to be released right away. Guy caught a smaller one off Fairport Harbour last year. Not unusual for females to live to be 100 yrs(!)
yeah, they're protected here. It's a big deal when they land one, have to be released right away. Guy caught a smaller one off Fairport Harbour last year. Not unusual for females to live to be 100 yrs(!)
We've got carp in the canal that go a good 100lbs, snagged one of those by mistake one day and snapped my ultralite like a toothpick.