bar fridge


Well-Known Member
ok so heres the next update with some pics tommorw will be there frist day of bud and today there last day of veg heres some pics the 1 has crystals in veg heres some pics


Well-Known Member
i just fed them there 2nd dose of there life today but i have to go and pick up some pure blend pro tommorw


Well-Known Member
went and got a out take fan today and its up and running today is the frist day of bud i hope i have all fems but we will have to see pics will be up soon


Well-Known Member
ns lookin plants ,will chk it out ,is that other one still yellow? jus wen you have lesser wattage keep them as close as you can , few inches , and let cheap little fan blow the top of the plants to the light so it dont get hot, , will give you bigger and tighter buds with low watt bulbs or high wattage bulbs , been there done that,lol.keep it up and get you some bud.


Well-Known Member
iv been growing for five years now im just doing this to see how good the weed is and then im doing a full size fridge with a 400w hps i have laying around and the yellow was from the light not the plants


Well-Known Member
looks good but dont use foil. use mylar or the reflective fiber rolls i dont know what the shit is called but i got it at the hydro store it was cheeper than mylar.


Well-Known Member
i love mylar but i havent been able to get to the shop yet to get it but i will or i will just paint it white


Well-Known Member
what up caddyluck i hope soi hope i get all fems i guess i have a 50/50 chance since i only have 2 lol