bar fridge


Well-Known Member
nice grow man and nice one on the fems what strain is it your growing is it your own if so what did you cross to make it??


Active Member
Dude you have got a killer grow going on in the mini frig. Wish i had one laying around right now im using space under a workbench with carpet lined with plastic and a heat light under to keep it warm. I do have a big frig though out back idk though still might be use able. How did you hook up the light sockets with the CFL's? Please go and look at mine haven't gotton anything yet just started today though so hopfully a couple more days will be good. I also have more seeds in germantion. I will subscribe to this grow to man keep updateing : D


Active Member Here's the link to the grow man. Umm i dont know take a look at it and see. I know the light is not right but i have no money until i find a job which sucks just got laid off. Its my first grow but my second. I say that because i had plants back a few months ago decided to abonded it becuz i sucked at it. This time though i have spent all week to the past 2 weeks reading and preparing everything let me know keep it up dude. : D


Well-Known Member
ok so this is odd i cant load any new pics do we get a limet to how many we can up load in a week or month


Well-Known Member
ya man this place rocks i love to be able to talk to people about growing i just wish the goverment would try it 1 time so they can see that we arnt hurting any1


Well-Known Member
That's how most of us feel bro. It's like they honestly think they can stop whats inevitable. Legalization is just a matter of time and i think we're all hoping that we get to live to smoke on that day!! Shit man, They should tolerate it just like UK does. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Great plants, man. Nice, that both are female.
And thank`s for stoping by on my thread!