Barney Frank


Well-Known Member
Its a start. The bill doesn't go far enough but its a start.MMJ had to start somewhere and look how far its gone in just the last couple years.


Well-Known Member
Its a start. The bill doesn't go far enough but its a start.MMJ had to start somewhere and look how far its gone in just the last couple years.
Yep, getting the foot in the door is the biggest challenge. After that, it has limitless possibilities.


Well-Known Member
I just noticed that on the cnn page they have a poll. At the moment we are winning. Right hand side, about half way down.


Active Member
I think this should be a pure states rights issue.

How about something along the lines of how abortion used to be-- each state can choose what they want. We all know what happened after a few decades... national legalization.

Also, considering that this is a gigantic industry which goes untaxed why couldn't we legalize marijuana, tax at 10%, and save our infrastructure. That would add a few 50 billion dollars a year into housing, education, health and social security. Or one month in Iraq.