Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.


Active Member
not necessarily. for veg state you really want the Nitrogen to be the highest concentration, which would be the first number. kinda goin the other direction with 10-15-10 fertilizer, plus you need to reduce the N levels in your fertilizer by at least half to do a good transition to flowering when you're ready for that. also, i have the same fert concentration in my veg nutes, 24-8-16, and it's recommended for pretty much everything BUT lawn; flowers, trees, shrubs, houseplants, fruits and vegetables, even specifically mentions tomatoes, which generally has very similar nutritional needs to cannabis. also includes plenty of micronutes, copper, iron, zinc, etc. So it's more likely it's an "all-purpose" plant food, again, like mine. And mine served my plants spectacularly, they're in their 3rd week (and the white widow especially has got some JUICY buds growin) of flowering and on a different fert now, but i had to get them through veg to do that. So i still say either the pH is off, he was overdoin it before, or (which seems least likely now) there was a lack of phosphorus. but since he never seems to update...


Active Member
Haha, sorry bout the lack of updates guys. They've been doin pretty well lately but I do have a few questions. On the PSkunk I'm having trouble with almost all of the leaf tips on the upper leafs are turning yellow to brown with slight curling on the very tips and on the much newer growth the tips are turning somewhat white. The red stems are still a problem but the main stem seems to be turning back to green a little around the middle of the plant.

Now for the BCheese, shes also doing better but as well as with the PSkunk I'm having trouble with a few of the upper leafs tips turning brown and slightly curling. Also some lower leafs are turning a little yellow and one or two have a purplish hue to them.

I will post pics as soon as i can figure out how to get the ones i took with my camera to fit, I think theyre just too big and I might just have to go back to using my phone. Anyways pics will be up soon and the plants are looking better.


Active Member
Ok so Im back again cuz I have a quick question. What is causing this spot on my leaf? I just noticed it today, it's on the top leaf set and I want to stop this before it starts to cause me any more problems. If you have any idea what this is pleas say something. If ur reading this please reply to this, I want to get it fixed.

