Barney's Blue Cheese


Well-Known Member
I smoked the Blue Cheese at Barney's Coffeeshop in Amsterdam.
It was one of the nicest I had over there, the smell and taste of some fruity berries and the effects were quite uplifting.
I was wondering where the Cheese genetics were, although I never smoked any Cheese.

So now I'm growing 1 Barney's Blue Cheese next to 4 other strains, currently 7 weeks flowering.
Her aroma is quite pungent, but she's not smelling like them fruity berries from the coffeeshop at all.
She's rather stinks, kinda skunky.... or yes I do think this smell can be associated with cheese!

Through researching I found that most Blue Cheese growers were getting the berry flavored phenos.

Has anyone gotten the stinky cheese flavor?

The Blue Cheese is on the lower right corner of the scrog:

Day 93 - 53 - 42 (2).jpg

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
ive tried the cheese from probally all the seedbanks on the net, and ill tell you now, none of them are even close to the real uk cheese.