Barney's F - Vanilla Kush / TGA Subcool - Ace of Spades = Waterfarm - 600w


When would you say would be the best age to take a clone or clip the leaves getting little light? Also, with your scrog, how do you effectively change your reservoir?

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
awesome updatd DayzT! your girls look healthy and happy.
awe, do i really have to wait a couple weeks for you to build your frame? Im super excited to see how it turns out. It sounds like such a fun project, i want to follow along and see if i can make one just like you.
Did you ever end up investing in a RO water system?
If so can you or anyone else please make a recommendation for me, i would really appreciate the help.


Well-Known Member
Looks great, + Rep for making me drool that vk look awesome! I just popped 2 fem vk's so now I'm even more excitted, keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Okay, it's been 5 days - here's another pic update!

The top 4 inches of my VK was unintentionally 'topped' when my tie-down was a little too much for it was really a blessing in disguise..look at her go now! :smile: There's a good 13 distinguished tops well on their way...exciting!! :weed:

Vanilla Kush:

VK topped!

AoS is doing okay - I'm starting to think this strain doesn't especially like my Super healthy plant still though - there's 5 tops coming in all together - the way it's looking so far, this plant may not get a screen...we'll see. You should see her roots in the rez - I'd say they look pretty much the SAME as the VK right now - the extra airstone in there seems to be making quite the difference..

Ace of Spades:



Well-Known Member
Wow, Think I'm going to get me a VK seed! That thing is a beast. AoS looks so pitiful, but as long as it's healthy.


Hello all, here is a pic of my VK's these are clones at about week 2 into flowering in Gen. Hydro Power Growers which are the bigger brother to the water farm. You might notice two airlines to each because now I run an airstone in the buckets. These were all topped early in veg. I'm glad that Dayzt does not seem to mind posts with pics and I promise I'm not trying to hijack. I hope to answer any questions and ask a couple because this is my 1st experience with this strain. Peace! Tony from MI


Well-Known Member
Nice pics mate. Keep 'em comming!
Will do! Cannabis photography FTW!

I like the pics, shes looking very healthy! How long have you been vegging her now?
This will be just coming to the end of 4 weeks now. The way things are going, I think the VK will need to go into 12/12 at about week 7...we'll see. The AoS will likely need to be moved out of that tent into my smaller one if that happens though, because I doubt it will be ready for flowering yet by that time...

Wow, Think I'm going to get me a VK seed! That thing is a beast. AoS looks so pitiful, but as long as it's healthy.
Agreed - very vigorous strain indeed! I've taken 2-3 large handfuls of trim off the bottom already too!! I've created a new 'waterfarm term' for the lowest-largest fan leaves: 'Mudflaps'. I've noticed that these low leaves help keep the splash down from the drip-ring and get to look dirty'n'rusty after awhile - but they serve an important purpose for the time they're alive.. =) Wow..sorry for my stoned ramblings!!

View attachment 1837905
Hello all, here is a pic of my VK's these are clones at about week 2 into flowering in Gen. Hydro Power Growers which are the bigger brother to the water farm. You might notice two airlines to each because now I run an airstone in the buckets. These were all topped early in veg. I'm glad that Dayzt does not seem to mind posts with pics and I promise I'm not trying to hijack. I hope to answer any questions and ask a couple because this is my 1st experience with this strain. Peace! Tony from MI
Hey there Tony - Absolutely man, no problem! I enjoy the pics! Looks like you'll have an awesome harvest coming - I see a 'heaven' of a canopy coming in there!! Nice! I've found this strain to be super-vigorous in veg and about a 2x stretch in flower (the first time we grew it). Your units are looking awesome!


Active Member
Hey Dayzt I see all is still going well with your grow , like expected . Im still here trying to dial everything in with mine all but one is looking fine im not sure if i had the light to close or what but i think shes recovering. I have some pic her for the update I dont know where to post them and not tryna jack ur post lol just would like the your feed back oh and dr.amber yall seem cool and know what your doing. (4 hlmalayan gold and 2 trainwreck(big 1 n lil 1 bhind it)

Thanks again and I appreciate any and all feedback. Happy Growing! IMG00842-20111014-1709.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey Dayzt I see all is still going well with your grow , like expected . Im still here trying to dial everything in with mine all but one is looking fine im not sure if i had the light to close or what but i think shes recovering. I have some pic her for the update I dont know where to post them and not tryna jack ur post lol just would like the your feed back oh and dr.amber yall seem cool and know what your doing. (4 hlmalayan gold and 2 trainwreck(big 1 n lil 1 bhind it)

Thanks again and I appreciate any and all feedback. Happy Growing! View attachment 1838188
Looks good to me! Everything looks healthy and happy! :leaf:

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
high Dayzt, your girls are so beautiful.. i started my waterfarm cleanse for a week.. can you please critique my pot here .. are there enough holes. Thanks Dayzt ..are you smoking your tangerine dream yet?


Well-Known Member
I put more holes in it than that - you can put a few more in the corners close to the edges and a few right in the very center there yet... basically I had the holes in my last one about a half inch apart. The more, the better, as long as the bottom is still able to hold up the hydroton and roots!


Well-Known Member
Okie - it's only been 3 days since the last pic update, but the ladies looked nice and perky this evening so I snapped a few shots for y'all...enjoy!! :leaf:

Vanilla Kush:

Ace of Spades



Active Member
Nice Dayzt , that Vk is a beast she's looking good and the Aos is filling in rather nice too. I Love pic updates!

Happy Growing!


Well-Known Member
Fantastic pics, fantastic plants! What are you using for nutes these days? EC/ppm? Boxers or briefs?
I'm still on the FNB only diet - the VK is sitting at about 320 ppms right now and Ace is at around 250.. The VK is starting to show bit of nitrogen def, so I'm going to bump her up to about 450-500 next change out and add some micro to the mix to give her some more N. AoS is looking a tad 'light' as well, and appears to be eating more than drinking now, so I'll bump her up to about 400 next switch out as well..

..that's the skinny on the plant food.. :smile: :leaf: :smile:


Well-Known Member
Very nice Dayzt! How much longer till you switch the light cycle?

My 2 Vk's are popped up and in there seedling stage now :) Lets get this VK party started!! Only 8-10 weeks left of veg lol.