Barneys farm blue cheese


Active Member
I'm not using the y. And as far as deficiencies, nutes burns and lockout. I'm trying to educate myself so I can diagnos problems on my own. Thank you everyone for all the great advice. I'm gonna do alot of reading tonight in the sick plants section haha


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've been thinking about switching to rockwool. I'll buy some in tomorrow. I love the rapid rooter for germinating seeds tho
me too. lol.

dont overreact to the leaves man, do all the research you want but dont over react more than likely you have both lime in your soil and lime in your tap water. just a little OD on the mag sounds like to me.


Active Member
Yeah I'm just gonna let them do there thing from now on. But if and when the day comes I would like to know how to handle different issues.


Active Member
day 40!
this is the bushiest blue cheese took a clone from her
this bc is the tallest and i also took a clone from her


Active Member
Requested some samples from emerald triangle (humboldt county own) and got all of this!!! Wanna try the snow storm ultra and purple max on one plant see if there is a difference at all. The killer tea seems good to. I just can't believe they sent all of this plus posters and a shirt



Active Member
nice deal! what did you do email them?
Ya sent them an email basically saying I have a friend who recently purchased there line of products and likes them and asked if they offer samples so that I may do a side by side grow with my current nutrients. Told them I've been using the entire general organics line and that I would like to get the most out of my garden. Better quality and higher quantities. Also mentioned that I have a massive garden lol could be a reason I got so much, gonna last me a while.

I've emailed a few different companies and have gotten a few samples but nothing like this.


Active Member
Really do have a friend who uses the purple max... May have exaggerated on the size of my grow haha I have so many different nutrients to try now


Active Member
Ok so I didn't have any money to get rockwool so I just used the root riot cubes. Ive read that some drooping is normal. How do these look to you guys? Sorry not the best pics...



Well-Known Member
71bigcat, get a humidity dome over those. First few times a cloned i didnt use a dome and it was a disaster. Once i got the dome i have awesome results. GOOD LUCK


Well-Known Member
yeah you got the dome on em right? they shouldnt be that droopy. of you dont have a dome just put bags over them and air them out of the bag once or twice a day. like i said key with roots is perfect moisture and maintaining that moisture level.


Well-Known Member
should be fine dont fuck with em, hmm probably in the way you cut them. use a razor blade cut fast move them into water or rooting gel fast wait 2 min for it to suck some up and into rooter, you want the stem to stay as wet as possible.


Active Member
The first clone was cut with my new clippers but I noticed it crushed it a lil so I got out a new razor blade. After the cut it went strait into the clonex then cube.


Well-Known Member
imo its easier to place all the cutting in a cup of water. I put around 7-8 cuttings per cup. literally as soon as I cut it, one second later its in the water, this ensures no embolism enters the stem(air bubble that cuts of the flow of liquids in the stem) Also you can store the clones in the cup for a couple days till your ready to make more. Once your comfortable with taking clones, you can experiment with different techniques, such a very lightly scraping the skin of the stem off. Referred to scientifically as the Cambium it is essentially the bark of the cannabis. Once you have mastered the scrapping you can move on to splitting the stem in half and scrapping as well. These two techniques combined produce the best roots you will ever see~!!roots gone crazy.jpg


Active Member
Hey everyone so the clones are doing better their all perked up again. I'll post pics at the end of week one of flower. Only been a few days bit I can see a difference in then already


Well-Known Member
i had a couple clones given to me 3 grows or so ago,, but all it said on the side was.. Cheese Haze . looked alot like yours do ,and the yield was pretty massive but best of all was the stone! a nice creeping stone that keeps getting heavier.
is it possible they were Blue Cheese, i was not in to cloning then like i am now, i sure would like to find more of that whatever it was..


Active Member
That's a bummer! I really like the way these are growing that's why I attempted cloning again. Unfortunately I can't afford to grow over summer so I might just keep one under some cfls till my next grow and cut more clones. It's to hot to run my hids during summer. I might do one outdoor haven't decided yet.


Active Member
i had a couple clones given to me 3 grows or so ago,, but all it said on the side was.. Cheese Haze . looked alot like yours do ,and the yield was pretty massive but best of all was the stone! a nice creeping stone that keeps getting heavier.
is it possible they were Blue Cheese, i was not in to cloning then like i am now, i sure would like to find more of that whatever it was..
Got any pics??