Barneys Farm LSD and Red Dragon Grow


Hey Guys. I just received Red Dragon, LSD, and Red Diesel from Attitude! Can't Wait. I am so psyched that you guys are documenting your grows.
Your opinion please. As an outdoor novice, ( starting under floros, then out to the great outdoors. I've grown 4X with some success) I understand that these girls may needs some TLC. What can I do to assure my 3 stains get the TLC Barney's Farm suggests?


Well-Known Member
What up, Fellas!

Week Six! Hell Yea! 2 to 4 weeks to go!


I can't add another light. I live in this small apartment and I received my electric bill the other day. It's $75.00 over "normal". I might be pulling to much juice for this pad. Plus the entire place smells like tree. I think my Ozone Generator needs a replacement UV Bulb.

I'm stressed right now to say the least.

Fans always whirring, I either smell weed or ozone. I conserve electric by living in the dark. It's crazy!

2 1/2 weeks of what? I thought you started 3 or 4 weeks before I started???


Thanks fellas!



Not sure. I just plant and hope for the best.




Active Member
Very nice grow, in an apartment! Wow, that just blows me away. You gotta be like frickin' Achilles. I'll be waiting to see pics of the harvest. Enjoy.


Well-Known Member
What up, Home Team?!?!?

Alrighty. Yesterday marked the 7th week flowering. Best I can tell, both strains have to go 8+ Weeks.

I'm going to jack them once more with nutes then I'll water them four times with clear water. Once this is accomplished I'll consider them ready to be harvested. Hell Yea!

The only slight problem I have is my labeling. :( I got one label mixed up months ago. Not sure how to tell the trees apart.

You cats have any clues?

Check 'em out, B's:



Well-Known Member
NICE! I to am growing RD, Im on week 4 now. What color are your trichs? I was hoping it would be a 8w finish but seeing how its going for you, is slowly killing my dream...OH WELL!


Well-Known Member

Sweet! Power to RD'ers!

R U 4 weeks in2 flowering or 4 in2 veg???

I'm no expert but I don't know about the trichs. I can never tell by the Trich's. The buds are still putting on weight. When they are done putting on weight, I figure they're done growing and should be picked soon after. That's how I tell. I'll keep you posted. :)


Well-Known Member

4 flowering, this is my second grow and its going way better than my first with white russia. Not russia fault but my own. Any way you are the 3rd person who doesnt tell by trichs i asked the question to. I cant wait to get to that level of just knowing by looking.... Make sure you do a smoke report.
One thing I really love is how my house smells fruity, never ate guava before but if it smells like my house i might have to try it!!


Well-Known Member

"who doesnt tell by trichs"

I don't use trichs because mine never change color, or I can't see ant real color change. And when I did try it once I let my tree go to long and it caught Bud Rot.

Look at these pics. See how branches are drooping down - it must be getting close to harvest, the branches are getting heavy. Shurgging Shoulders. If I had a better camera I'd take close-up shots of the buds. As the buds mature they clearly change form.

I'm a guesser not an expert.



Well-Known Member

Understood sir.. You in w7 close to 8. Since you know harvest time is coming closer will you begin flushing at the end of w7/staring of w8? I will look at my trichs but at the same time follow you lead and recommendations, and the timing of your girls. Thanks for all of your help in advance.


Well-Known Member

Mmmkay. Were all just trying the best we can. :)

I juiced them up today. This is the last time for ferts. Saturday is my 8th week so I figure I can harvest anytime after that.

Out of the 6, one is bulking up nicely. And a second has started to bulk up. I figure at least one more week to the beginning of harvest. I'm estimating the 16th.

The thing that sucks is I'm not 100% positive which trees are Red Dragons and which are White Russians. :(



Well-Known Member
What up!?

Cleaning should be a breeze.

I hit the Walmart. I found the powder free latex gloves. :lol: This is good.

The Trees are starting to emit that Sweet Perfume/Cat Piss smell - this is good too.



Well-Known Member
What up?

Today I watered them for the third time since juicing them.

Upon inspection I noticed the top of one bud was torched - a main cola :cuss:I haven't been watching them close enough i guess. I thought it would be best to pick it, so I did. I also raised the light the best I could.

I think this was the Red Dragon.

Look and see.



Active Member
i was just about to order some "lsd" from barney's

can you tell me how strong the odour is on these plants when flowering compared to average?