Barneys Farn LSD?


Well-Known Member
My LSD was started on April 20 and is growing in a 20 gallon pot but it is less than 2 ft tall? Is this normal? I also started the Super Lemon Haze and Pineapple Chunk on the same day and they are both 5 and 6 ft tall. Could I have gotten a bad seed? Or are all the LSD plants small plants with not good yields?


Active Member
My LSD was started on April 20 and is growing in a 20 gallon pot but it is less than 2 ft tall? Is this normal? I also started the Super Lemon Haze and Pineapple Chunk on the same day and they are both 5 and 6 ft tall. Could I have gotten a bad seed? Or are all the LSD plants small plants with not good yields?
Im not quite sure but im growing lsd right now, they sprouted on july 16th and right now they are about 6 to 8 inches with about 5 nodes. Im growing mine in an aero setup.


Active Member
My main concern is i have been reading alot of lsd horror stories lately about them turning to hermies. If my plants hermied i wouldnt be able to tell why because i have also had some problems lately that stressed them pretty bad.


Active Member
This is what is says about it. Yield optimum indoor is 600 gr/m2, indoor height: 50 - 60 cm and flowering time is 60-65 days


the yield is 600 grams per square meter of plants.. the outdoor to indoor ratio isnt a huge difference and isnt something it should be accounted for

whats 60 cm in inches? 23 inches is the average height of LSD plants.. whats 2 feet? 24 inches! congrats your plant is average


Well-Known Member
My LSD plant was about 3 ft tall. I haven't got a weight yet...I have it curing right now in 1 quart mason jars. I have 8 jars..about 3/4 I think it was nice yeild. New grower here haven't been keeping real accurate weights. Very nice musky,skunky buds. Stcky and frosty of my favorites so far. Good luck...see ya


Well-Known Member
the yield is 600 grams per square meter of plants.. the outdoor to indoor ratio isnt a huge difference and isnt something it should be accounted for

whats 60 cm in inches? 23 inches is the average height of LSD plants.. whats 2 feet? 24 inches! congrats your plant is average
2 ft?? I thought mine was closer to 3. I didn't acually measure Just for the record...I'm gonna start keeping better see ya


Active Member
Personally i've had the same problem. Time and time again my plants, never seem to match up to other grows and I give them a shit load of good nutrients. Honestly it could just be a bad seed, but after a while you wonder. In an attempt to increase my yield, I LSTed and pruned my plant and it's easy to see now it's waayyy overdone. Lesson learned is, not to over due anything with plants. Clearly u didn't do any of these things, but perhaps you are over doing something very minor like watering. Remember your only supposed to water when the soil is pretty dry and your leaves start to droop. If you water every other day, try watering every 3-5 days. I'm in northern cali and i notice my plants do just fine without water for 4 or 5 days. Good luck with your grow man, it might just be your first crop won't be enormous. I'll tell you i've killed at least 20 seedlings this year and it still hasn't stopped me from trying.


Active Member
My babys sprouted july 8. and they're anywhere from 5" to 6" tall. I'm hoping they grow another 5 inchDads 767.jpges soon so I could clone them and get them in there flowering stage. How big of pot have you people used? I'm using 3 gallon pots with 300 watt ledsDads 760.jpgDads 759.jpgDads 766.jpgDads 765.jpg


Well-Known Member
i found it slow in veg aswell... i also got 2 phenos... 1 was very indica the other not so much.. i know, the parents r both indicas but thats how it was... another said the same thing... they both smelled the same and tasted the same.. the indica domenate what robust and super cyrstaly... the sativia, lanky, tall thin leaved, took longer hairy popcorn nugs... i found lsd too harsh for my liking... the smell was too much for me too.. reminded me of popeye candy cigs but very strong.. it was like smelling a bag of sugar, made me nausious... very potent!


Active Member
i found it slow in veg aswell... i also got 2 phenos... 1 was very indica the other not so much.. i know, the parents r both indicas but thats how it was... another said the same thing... they both smelled the same and tasted the same.. the indica domenate what robust and super cyrstaly... the sativia, lanky, tall thin leaved, took longer hairy popcorn nugs... i found lsd too harsh for my liking... the smell was too much for me too.. reminded me of popeye candy cigs but very strong.. it was like smelling a bag of sugar, made me nausious... very potent!
What kinda of yields did you get. I'm really curious about this strain! As with everything it good on the site with high yields but on here nobody seems too happy with it.


I hope it is everythin it says on the site as ive just started growing it myself. Mine are about 1 foot tall all seem uniform in size upto now except 3 and they are 5wks in veg but im nt sure how long to veg them for any tips????