Barneys Flower Power


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Id go with the indoor grow spend the money and fuck the dealer he's been fucking you. I cant grow outside so your statement doesn't make sense. If I did I would just get seedy shit, there ditchweed all over here, if thats the case then I would just go buy from the dealer, And not waste my time. And who's says he will fail I didn't and I'm sure a lot others aren't.
Problem is...I wasn't talking to you at dont care to anymore from here on out.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Here is my only surviving Flower Power from Barneys. Im on day 6 and the plant seems to be doing well. I wish the sun would stay out, and the rain would stop so I dont have to keep bringing it in. Once it gets bigger it wont be an issue.:leaf:
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Rain has been an early season issue for me this year as well. Cloudy and sprinkling right now and has been for the past 3 f'n days.

Wheres that sunshine at.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Ok, no need for numbness.... My entire point about the bucket was go cheap on your first grow.
I will tell any first time grower the same thing. Get a grow under your belt, then proceed to upgrade
from that "5 gallon bucket"..
My bad, I'm always down to talk or help anybody out in any way.


Well-Known Member
This flower power is growing like crazy. Its blows my first two autos away. But its been under much better conditions than they were in their first 2 weeks. One of my leaves looks like it has two main fingers, either that or its just two separated leaves next to each other, I will see when it grows out more I guess. It has a nice smell already, kindy of musky skunk odor, rather typical of afghani or kush strains. So Im happy about that. Here are some pics, its early morning of day 12, not bad I would say.


Well-Known Member
Nice dude looking healthy and green. Yours is ahead of mine by a week or more. But will post pic later when its bigger. Suns finally out to stay here, Hopefully with this bigger pot I used It will get alot bigger than my blue himay. diesels did.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
If you have a spare storm door, you can take the glass from it and put it over your pot to block direct water but still let light in.

I have a cage that I put my girls in with glass over the top and they have been doing great since mid April.

Its been nothing but rain here too, I feel ya I'm sick of it.


Well-Known Member
I did that with an old window last year. It does work well. I have just been keeping it inside under a 45 watt cfl, about an inch and a half away or so. Seems to be growing nicely. I have had it under 24 hours of light this first 13 days, I just shut the light off, I will turn it back on in about 4 hours. I'll do that until I put it outside for good in about a week, maybe less. I have to get into its final spot soon. It will stay in the pot, just not inside. Its going to grow most of its life outdoors. If this thing keeps growing like it is now, it could easily reach 3 feet. Im judging by my fast bud, and what size it was at this age, and it is around 20 inches, maybe more now. I guess it really depends on when it shows signs of flower, longer veg time, the bigger it should get. Unless its just a runt like some of them are, which I doubt. Its growing too fast for that.


Well-Known Member
:joint:Some new pics not much bigger but getting there. Its where it should be I think in growth for having such shit weather past 2 days, Need SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:twisted:
Bringing it inside and putting it under a cfl or two would make a huge difference. and bury that stem. All that stem below those little round leaves can be buried and over time will shoot off roots. Thats why my plants always look so short. I always bury the stem as far as I can. My flower power is growing very nicely, im impressed for mostly being under a single 45 watt cfl most of the time.I will try to upload some more pics tomorrow, I mean later today.


Well-Known Member
:twisted:Well its in its final pot, so im not transplanting again but last time I buried one up to the leaves on an autoflower I was digging dirt out of the bottom buds, Its not stretching so I think I will be good, Im not 2 worried about getting cfl's, been putting by window when raining. I will get some cfls next time maybe. Most of my focus is on my indoor grow this is kinda my lets see what happens outside thing. Hopefully it will finish before ditch males start unleashing hell into the winds and on little bees knees!!:twisted:


Well-Known Member
Damn, sucks about the native ditch weed. Someone needs to grow out some huge skunk #1 males or something and beat every patch of ditch weed they can find with the pollen. Maybe after 15 years it might get some potency to it....or maybe not. I would be more focused on indoor if that was my situation as well. To be honest I am more focused on my indoor setup at a friends house. I cant do a lot of outdoor this year with a move coming up. That why its all autos for me this year, outdoors that is.


Well-Known Member
Its day 16 and I can see the first calyx and hairs. So she is a she like she should be. This thing is fucking awesome compared to my other two autos. I put it ouside yesterday for good, and I swear it looks like the stalk doubled in size. idk, but it sure looks like it. It really kicked it up a notch yesterday, which is nice because it was growing very well already. Nice branches, the internodes are staying pretty close together, and it smells great, definitely a kush cross.


Well-Known Member
I took pictures the night before last but Im not going to post them, when I get a chance I will go out there tomorrow and take some pics. She is really enjoying her time in the sun. Though I might have to bring her in tomorrow night because of a chance of some pretty strong storms.


Well-Known Member
LOL thats funny. That would be awesome if they had some potency, but then they would pry get chopped by someone, some redneck potheads would smoke that. Good to hear yours is doin good I will keep following.


Well-Known Member
I didnt take any pics this weekend, it never stopped raining. I checked it out earlier and the flower power is growing very fast. This thing is probably going to be a good sized auto.