Barney's pineapple chunk indica pheno?

benjamin alexander

Active Member
Hey riu starting up a topic that had to be abandoned by another user, i have two barney's farm pineapple chunk in veg atm, two very different pheno's, both came out looking indica but true to description one turned sativa at maturity and is looking as it should, the other however, looks like a pure indica, it was lagging behind in height but had a spurt recently. It has short, fat, dark green indica leaves and very thick stems when sitting next to the other. I've only seen one report so far of another indica chunk but that one was stolen, anyone have any info or grown this pheno before? Also is there anything in it's gene's to suggest it would turn purple? Has shown purple shades since day 1, definately not a nute issue so i'm kinda stumped


RIU Bulldog
Yeah man, sorry I couldn't finish that thread.....
I really loved the way that p.chunk was growing.

A lot of the early complaints about pineapple chunk were that even tho Barney's description say the plant is an indica dom that plants were getting tall as fuck. I found out after doing some reading that indicas grow up to 6ft tall on their own.
I hope your grow turns out better than mine.


Well-Known Member
I did a PC outdoor and this all of the same plant. Does it look like yours at all? It was last summer. She was a champ in the cold weather but I think I let her go to long and wasn't that great but she was fruity as hell flowering the whole time. Def a sativa/indica for the one I grew.


benjamin alexander

Active Member
Yeah beansly that blows someone flogged your chunk, i'd give you a cut if i could. Things are looking good though, standing proud at 38cm tall, 45 wide, topped for 2 colas early which stunted it badly-same with my lsd it seems-but a real champ now, the sati pheno which looks exactly like your plant, the organic, is at 43cm tall by comparison. They are both beautiful plants, great structures and tough as nails, there's just zero info on the indica pheno lol