Barry it again!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I've searched for Kop Busters on RIU, but found nothing, and I'm sure this can't be the first post. But, fuckit all anyway, here's a dupe just because this is sooo fucking cool.

So, Cooper is an ex-cop of Never Get Busted Again and Never Get Raided Again fame............

Now, he's doing an online reality show called KopBusters. And his first target was Odessa, TX. He grew 2 tiny christmas trees in a rented house with all the acutrimon associated with your typical indoor grow. So, Odessa's finest get a search warrant, bust the door down and find only 2 christmas trees growing and an arsenal of cameras and a poster informing them they are being filmed, and are currently on the internet!

Here's the clip -

local news had a piece on the "raid" last week -

oh yeah, when they asked for the search warrant, they were, of course, denied.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
they will have to give up the search warrant. Cops have a copy and the court has a copy. Without it the cops broke and entered.


Well-Known Member
The "story" from the Kop Busters folks is there was a lawyer on site when the raid occurred and they didn't receive a copy.

Barry's websites are currently down, presumably because he exceeded his bandwidth allocation. So, the story about them not getting a copy of the warrant is from other sites. But, I gonna take Odessa's finest take on all this?


Well-Known Member
Yep...that vid is the rave of alot of sites. You could tell they entered illegally just based on their reactions when they found out they were being filmed. "It's a setup huh? lol". Like those damn sneaky bastards got us. You actually spend months putting together a case, getting necessary paperwork're going to be're not gonna giggle it off.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
The cops called the states' attorney, whom I assume told them to withhold it--because there is evidence of wrongdoing. Barry can get the courts copy though---nothing they can do about that. It's against the law to withhold a warrant when entering someone home.

Barry really messed up not having furniture and stuff---making it look like he lived there. He probably should have really moved in. The cops would really be fucked then.


Well-Known Member
Barry Cooper has some huge brass balls. The man is my hero.

You think they hit Tommy Chong with some low blows to get his ass? They're going to go after Cooper like crazy. The cool thing is, though, that he knows it and he knows all their tricks. He probably follows all his own "never get busted" advice. I doubt he grows his own either... because he knows hes got a bullseye on his forehead now.

Barry Cooper is the fucking *man*.


Well-Known Member
The cops called the states' attorney, whom I assume told them to withhold it--because there is evidence of wrongdoing. Barry can get the courts copy though---nothing they can do about that. It's against the law to withhold a warrant when entering someone home.

Barry really messed up not having furniture and stuff---making it look like he lived there. He probably should have really moved in. The cops would really be fucked then.
I don't get how he "really messed up"? I don't see the difference whether or not he was actually living there or not. The cops thought someone was living there. That's all that matters.

But, yes, your point about the search warrant is correct. Thing is, did they get on the phone with the State's attorney while they were on site and he instructed them not to hand out the copy? Or did the cops leave, AND THEN the state's attorney told them to keep their copy. I'm no cop or a lawyer, and I've never been served a warrant, so I don't really know how it all works.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I don't get how he "really messed up"? I don't see the difference whether or not he was actually living there or not. The cops thought someone was living there. That's all that matters.

But, yes, your point about the search warrant is correct. Thing is, did they get on the phone with the State's attorney while they were on site and he instructed them not to hand out the copy? Or did the cops leave, AND THEN the state's attorney told them to keep their copy. I'm no cop or a lawyer, and I've never been served a warrant, so I don't really know how it all works.

They law is totally different for a house and say your garage. The cops can go in your garage without a warrant. They could argue that Barry had nothing to keep private in a vacant house. It's bullshit, but can be done.

I heard a cop in the you tube video saying he had the state attorney on the phone, finding out what to do. They are supposed to post the warrant on the door or by the door in most cases when they make an entry and no ones there.


Well-Known Member
The big hole in this story as far as I'm concerned is why did the cops bust that house? Did one of Cooper's crew tip them off? If so, there's no story at all. Just some jackass wasting police time for personal publicity purposes.

[youtube]m3Fu4YVH8nA[/youtube] [youtube]EHmP_KtmcB4[/youtube]

As for Cooper's show, Kop Busters, between the controversial material and the amateurish production values, I'll be AMAZED if any cable channel or network picks it up.

But hey, yeah, balls of brass. More power to him.


Well-Known Member
The big hole in this story as far as I'm concerned is why did the cops bust that house? Did one of Cooper's crew tip them off? If so, there's no story at all. Just some jackass wasting police time for personal publicity purposes.
The story I'm hearing is the cops used the FLIR - which is illegal, and then made up a "confidential source" to mask their illegal activities.

But, yeah - since Barry's sites have crashed its tough to get more info.

But, yeah, he admits he's a manipulator. And could have easily manipulated the cops in the manner you describe.

Still though, a search warrant from some anonymous doo gooder is enough? Probably in small texas towns......

"They law is totally different for a house and say your garage. The cops can go in your garage without a warrant. They could argue that Barry had nothing to keep private in a vacant house. It's bullshit, but can be done."

Yeah, I know they can search a detached building without a warrant. But these were in the house. But, point taken - who knows what they'll use to wiggle out of this.


Well-Known Member
Their goal was to catch cops that (in their words from the website below), "lie on the affidavit claiming a confidential informant saw the plants and/or the police could smell marijuana coming from the suspected house."

Even if Barry did tip them off, he didn't tip them off by saying there was marijuana seen in the house. He's too smart to lie to the police, because he knows that would get him in jail. If he did tip, it was just something like, "I want to report that I've heard people are growing something at X address." In that case, Barry is fine (because the tip wasn't a lie) and the search was *still* illegal.

Barry suspects the cops lied by saying someone claimed to have *seen* marijuana there, or that they smelled it, to get a warrant. Because just some random tip about seeing grow lights isn't enough for a warrant.

I wouldn't doubt it if Barry is right... he knows how these crooked cops work b/c he used to be one of them. We'll see if that warrant ever comes out, or if it somehow mysteriously gets "lost." I also wouldn't be surprised if they pull something out of their ass to charge Barry with. I doubt they could make anything stick though.

The big hole in this story as far as I'm concerned is why did the cops bust that house? Did one of Cooper's crew tip them off? If so, there's no story at all. Just some jackass wasting police time for personal publicity purposes.

As for Cooper's show, Kop Busters, between the controversial material and the amateurish production values, I'll be AMAZED if any cable channel or network picks it up.

But hey, yeah, balls of brass. More power to him.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Their goal was to catch cops that (in their words from the website below), "lie on the affidavit claiming a confidential informant saw the plants and/or the police could smell marijuana coming from the suspected house."

Even if Barry did tip them off, he didn't tip them off by saying there was marijuana seen in the house. He's too smart to lie to the police, because he knows that would get him in jail. If he did tip, it was just something like, "I want to report that I've heard people are growing something at X address." In that case, Barry is fine (because the tip wasn't a lie) and the search was *still* illegal.

Barry suspects the cops lied by saying someone claimed to have *seen* marijuana there, or that they smelled it, to get a warrant. Because just some random tip about seeing grow lights isn't enough for a warrant.

I wouldn't doubt it if Barry is right... he knows how these crooked cops work b/c he used to be one of them. We'll see if that warrant ever comes out, or if it somehow mysteriously gets "lost." I also wouldn't be surprised if they pull something out of their ass to charge Barry with. I doubt they could make anything stick though.

I hope Barry called the cops, because if they showed up over one light I'm going to freak out.


Well-Known Member
He's supposed to be doing this in more states too. This should get really interesting.
Police are not allowed to enter locked out buildings without a search warrant.


Well-Known Member
The police are going to investigate to see if any laws where broken?? That is funny, they had to break the law to obtain the search warrant, that is the point. VV