

Well-Known Member
No matter how you feel about pro sports, it's only a GAME!
don't we have like billions of dollars missing in iraq?
how about rechecking the lies that got us into a sec war?
Maybe get your hands dirty and find the truth behind the housing crash?
hold MORE hearings on china, why and how do they sell us poison toys/pet food/whats up with the spys we just caught huh?
why the russians showed an act of war by two bombers flying over american ships?
find the REAL cause of are money issues...and fix it?
hold hearing why a president candidate has a blanketed gag order on all media channels?
my list could go on and on.
to wast time and the people money to have hearings about baseball/football is fucking silly...we have bigger fish to fry.
were falling apart as a country,worried

I gota get the fuck out of here while the gettin is still good.


Well-Known Member
Well said joepro, My wife and were talking about this at dinner last night. Steroids in sports seems sort of trivial compared to the real problems in America right now. Typical uselessness from Washington. How much $ have they wasted so far on this steroid bullshit?


Well-Known Member
"Bread and circuses"; is a phrase that can criticize either government policies to pacify the citizenry, or the shallow, decadent desires of that same citizenry. In both cases, it refers to low-cost, low-quality, high-availability food and entertainment that have become the sole concern of the People, to the exclusion of matters that some consider more important: e.g. the Arts, public works projects, human rights, or democracy itself. The phrase is commonly used to refer to short-term government palliatives offered in place of a solution for significant, long-term problems.