Basement cupboard drying. Is 1 circulating fan and a few holes enough?


New Member
Hi guys, would appreciate your advice, 1st time grower... Main question - are intake/ehaust fans needed for a smallyield dry?

my first harvest will be in an about 3-4 weeks
It will be a poor one, since I made a lot of mistakes (underfed,underwatered etc) but I am hoping for 3 ounces total from 3 plants.
Now about drying.

I have a separate basement (temperature 55-70, humidity about 50-60%)
I have 1 small fan (12v I think)
I have an about 30x20x30 inch cupboard.
Do I need an intake fan to suck air out of cupboard (I dont have one)
How many/big holes should I make for good air circulation?
My solution (Is it good enough???)
In the cupboard, Just like a tent, make 1 hole at the bottom and 1 hole at the top on the opposite site.
Place/hang buds near the side where the hole is on top
Place the small fan near the other (lower) hole -for tents thats usually where passive intake holes are.
PROBABly put some netting on both holes, so little bugs dont get in.
Turn the fan on , not pointing at buds, and check temp and humidity.
I would draw a picture, but I am no Picasso.

So basically - can I build a wooden dry box with 2 (maybe 1 is enough, or need 3?) openings for passive air intake/exit and a small fan for circulation? Without intake/exhaust fans? Are there any issues I might run into?
Thanks for advice!
For a drying tent I have a dehumidifier, exhaust fan, a passive intake, and a fan moving air around under the plants hanging. This works well for us.
How do you off set the heat created from the dehumidifier? My dehu pumps out some massive heat while running.
It's a 4x8 tent, so it doesn't get too bad. But the air exchange seems to help keep it in check. It takes about 2 weeks to dry, I'll have to keep an eye on temps next run. Good point.