Basement grow advice

cannabis culture

Well-Known Member
growing in a basement is it absolute neccassary to have air intake and out type ventilation? It is cold temps outside and due to my basements setup it would be a real pain to run some vents.
Would it just be enough for air to leak from upstairs and when door is open?


Active Member
I think we're going to need more details as to your set up. Are you growing openly in your basement? or within a box that's in your basement? Do you have basement windows?


Well-Known Member
Air wouldn't go down to your basement anyway as air rises. Windows in your basement would be a great thing.

cannabis culture

Well-Known Member
I think we're going to need more details as to your set up. Are you growing openly in your basement? or within a box that's in your basement? Do you have basement windows?
Inam growing in the open basement, no box no tent no nothing. I also have an oscillating fan and currently working with a single 1000w MH on a 18/6 cycle

cannabis culture

Well-Known Member
Also their is a single basement window, I am going to try to fix it up so I could open it periodically but not all the way directly, because of cold temps outside, like 30s-40sF


Well-Known Member
"air rises" lmao. heat rises air is displaced by new air. a fan should work good in a small op. depending on the lighting. if you can crack a window and put a fan below it for fresh air you should be good on small stuff. if your running big lights or heat producer like a gas co2 producer youll need more air thus ventalation. you could run the outide air thru a filter into your lights if thats practical. the lights would heat it . only with them on though.


Well-Known Member
Well... of course, you could just grow your MJ anywhere in your basement...will it be 'Best' if you don't exchange your air... no the air in basement will grow your weed, however, with winter coming, cold/humid/mold is always you can grow it in there.. just be aware of bad air, grows not great sheiot... Good Luck !