Your overthinking it, as long as you have good airflow 55% is fine. I run 65-70% for most of flower. The only time I’d like to be lower than 55 is like the last week, but before I had the money to buy anden dehuey it wasn’t possible and I had no issues.
Look up vpd lots of guys running higher humidity.
Here is a pic of my garden so you can see I’m not an idiot and know what I’m talking about.

I ran these at 70% for the first 4-5 weeks, dropped down to 60-65 for the weeks after that and finish up around 50%, but 55 is close enough I wouldn’t worry about it.
Remember good airflow.
Look up vpd lots of guys running higher humidity.
Here is a pic of my garden so you can see I’m not an idiot and know what I’m talking about.

I ran these at 70% for the first 4-5 weeks, dropped down to 60-65 for the weeks after that and finish up around 50%, but 55 is close enough I wouldn’t worry about it.
Remember good airflow.