No but I've heard of Tom. Only a few varieties if memory serves me correctly. The Flying Dutchmen is who I was thinking of their original haze. I believe one of the places I've read they had the original hazes was an interview of Sam. He was friends and neighbors of theirs or so it's said?! I haven't read of anyone questioning that part of the story. But with that said as you mentioned with him turning narc could you ever trust him? Not me in a business deal.
But in the interview his point was that if you wanted a practical haze with little work needed then Neville haze is probably the best place to go. But if you wanted to "work" or simply take the time to find and old wonder that isn't "completed" and could take for ever to finish then the Flying Dutchmen is the way to go.
From what I've read the haze brothers never finished working or "stabilizing" any of their work. So there were many phenos within all their batches. And at no time did they repeat a cross is how I understand it. Nevil only got a few seeds to pop and from that only 2 males where worth working with. So he had no choice but to cross and or inline breed. From what I've read the Flying Dutchmen got his hands on the genetics straight from the haze brothers when they quit or what ever they did? Just think if they kept up their work?

But Nevil got his hands on it from Sam before the whole fed thing.
I've got no dog in this race. But before I ordered my very first order I did a lot of research. White widow was surely going to be in my first order. (I stared at pics of that strain for over a decade) Personal choice but before I realized how bad the seed game is I already decided my money was going to go to original breeders only. Its simple for me we'd all have nothing special if it wasn't for them. They've done it the longest. Maybe even made the most mistakes and learned from them. So I'll be the last guy rewarding those who take their work and breed seeds from them and sell under another name. Even the crosses. I'd prefer getting both parental strains and doing my own selecting. I would cheat and cross 2 females because I wouldn't be selling beans and it would save me tons of time sexing plants.
That's where I'm at now. I've already done test drives using CS to reverse a female for pollen. That's easy but what collecting and storing it I haven't done correctly yet. But a can do math and have a selected female reversed at the right time to place in a separate tent with multiple partners and a fan.
So my choice was to start with MR NICE. I've either run or have every strain I want. I've learned a lot and know what I'm looking for now. So I'm only buy spring and winter cleanings of strains that I think would be good to work with. I'm battling spider mites now. Those bastards are killing me. I've done everything and can't wipe them out. I beat them back and thought I had them beat twice and yet yesterday I had to bomb everything I have left. I have small pots of female G13/haze, the doors and afg/haze. Then I've got a handful of strains I've kept in a flat about ready for transplant. Just to keep the strain. So everything is in one spot and hopefully I can inhalate them now. My other locations are all empty and going to be thoroughly cleaned and no plants will leaving the area they are in now unless completely clean. Even if I have pop more beans of these strains and sex and select again. I've learned my lesson. It took 4 plus years before I got anything other than fungus gnats. For evermore I'll be practicing preventative maintenance. I guess I've been lucky until now. But once I get past this every move I'm going to be making will be working towards making my own crosses. It's gotten to be mindless work and I've lost interest because it's always the same. I think by working towards a larger goal it will be just what the doctor ordered for me to refocus.