Basic Fluorecsent set up

Ec budZ

just starting out, trying to put it all together before i begin

if i use a t5- 4 bulb ho fixture, will it be enough light to grow 4 plants in a 4'x4' pantry closet?

if so, would the flourecsent fixture be enough light to grow the plants to produce a decent amount of bud?

or does it make more sense to invest in a hps lamp to produce buds once the plants are mature


Active Member
your T-5 is an EXCELLENT veg light. if you want to get serious with growing, you should invest in a HPS for flower. a 400watt can grow 4 decent plants.


I have an 8 bulb HO T5 and they Veg great but TokeSmoker is right your gonna need a decent HPS to get good flowers.For your space a 400 would be awesome

Ec budZ

i purchased a 6 bulb t5 H0 (

with both 6400k and 3000k bulbs

in addition to the fluoro's i purchased a 200 watt hps i found on craigslist, couldnt afford bigger, but figured the smaller bulb would at least help give the plants a better flowering

this is my first grow, altough i want to do everything right and produce buds i want to keep it simple and "see what i can get", before i invest money and better my bud

all imput helps, thanks!