basic grams per watts

OMFUCKINGG not this shit again.....and even more ridicules this time

It's the same set up I have listed several times on the subject!

How about you give it a shot.... Use Greenthumbs G-13.... I used Hesi nutrients back when I did it.
Enviro was tight at 73F, 50 RH.

If you think my GPW #'s are big. Check out a rotating garden genius....

I have to smile at everybody who doubts the power of well applied SOG...

I (we) tried to beat a set of #'s out of a commercial op up in BC... Couldn't quite make it but, damn close...
When you refer to a rotating garden, do you mean something like a platform that moves the plants around, in lieu of light movers?

I had a brainchild of this one time, never followed up with any research....

There are several makers still selling these on the market today.


Rotogrow makes some really nice units!
Better have a big wallet!
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2.4 pounds in a 2 x 2 tent with any light is hard to believe...close to impossible really...

I am glad i have space. That sounds like PM in a small space LOL....on account of the complete lack of airflow.

10 pounds per 1k HPS....I dont believe it can be done.

The fellow who has a membership here I mentioned that does commercial RDWC units... He does 13 lbs per 1K on average.... His work is here, I don't have it bookmarked though...
im going to be using the closet in my room, its a 8 foot long 4 foot wide closet, a 4 inch 203 cfm fan for exaust and another one to blow air in, the closet is a little shorter than the room at 7.5 feet tall.
Well i can tell you this only because it has happen to me with just one plant I'm growing that is diesel autoflower I had a 4 inch 203 cfm and when she flowered if you are concern about smell the 4 inch isn't going to be enough I had to upgrade to 6 inch myself
Now I am seriously impressed. I really want to see some pics of that run please. And other than SoG, what factors do you believe were most responsible for hitting that level? What strain was that BTW? Details my friend because I want to replicate those results, or even close.

This was done long ago in an indoor Gorilla operation (see above). There were no real pictures taken in those ops back then, Sorry but, I still don't take many pics. Even with a craft lic. and my patient #'s being with in my #'s limit... I don't take a lot of pictures.... Habit? Wife's request?

SOG and it did take 3 tries to get it right...


I built a steel framed unit that held a 2x2 flood and drain tray. This was our test/dial in unit for the incoming The res tucks under the unit and the pump push's up through the lower drain strainer. It also drains right back through the pump when done cycling.
There is an extended 4" tube that comes up from the lowest drain area to be the fill level as the pump runs.
I (we) used Rockwool cubes of the 4" size - we pre-treated them.
There were 5 cycles a day - 1 right at lights on and the last right before lights out.
We used Hesi Nutrients (hydro), as directed....
Added CALi-MAGic at 5 ml per.
pH was set at 6.2 and allowed to drop to 5.8 and re-set to 6.2
The 33% refill rule was used exactly.
72-74 deg F held.
RH held between 47-52%

The strain was Greenthumbs G-13.
They were flipped at 8" tall.
They ran 76 days.
There was Mylar surrounding the area at 6" out from the edge's.
Mini fans were run on and below the canopy.

Questions sir?
Sounds like it was an epic run. If you were to try and replicate those yields again, where would you start? Strain? Something about the setup?
It took 3 runs to get it there.
2 different strains tried.

SOG really can surprise you.

It was a set of experiments I (we) did to see what we could really make SOG do.

There is a fellow who does post here from time to time. He perfected and builds/sells a commercial size RDWC system that can make my yields look small!
Wet weight?
The roto idea is genius really. Space shuttle stuff.

I wonder if i got a team of gerbils to spin a the drawring board !!!
This was done long ago in an indoor Gorilla operation (see above). There were no real pictures taken in those ops back then, Sorry but, I still don't take many pics. Even with a craft lic. and my patient #'s being with in my #'s limit... I don't take a lot of pictures.... Habit? Wife's request?

SOG and it did take 3 tries to get it right...


I built a steel framed unit that held a 2x2 flood and drain tray. This was our test/dial in unit for the incoming The res tucks under the unit and the pump push's up through the lower drain strainer. It also drains right back through the pump when done cycling.
There is an extended 4" tube that comes up from the lowest drain area to be the fill level as the pump runs.
I (we) used Rockwool cubes of the 4" size - we pre-treated them.
There were 5 cycles a day - 1 right at lights on and the last right before lights out.
We used Hesi Nutrients (hydro), as directed....
Added CALi-MAGic at 5 ml per.
pH was set at 6.2 and allowed to drop to 5.8 and re-set to 6.2
The 33% refill rule was used exactly.
72-74 deg F held.
RH held between 47-52%

The strain was Greenthumbs G-13.
They were flipped at 8" tall.
They ran 76 days.
There was Mylar surrounding the area at 6" out from the edge's.
Mini fans were run on and below the canopy.

Questions sir?
outstanding....The concept is the most efficient use of space I have ever seen. And what a great way to use a grow light. A bulb with 360 degree growing AROUND it. Genius
Sounds like it was an epic run. If you were to try and replicate those yields again, where would you start? Strain? Something about the setup?

I would start with the same strain.
I have the unit still. It's just disassembled and in my old gear storage...
I haven't done any hydro in some time. if I were, I might start off with trying a few different nutrient lines,
Hesi is still out there, Just more in tune with Botanicare lines right now.
Likely to give it a run with PRO and the KIND line.
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@Dr. Who well i know what it is now....Its that damned Tardis!

Take me to your Tardis.

The bare bulb is a great idea but it is not 360 degrees. Imagine if you had a hood that could rotate the reflective material around the garden growing in 360 degrees.

I think i need some serious thinking weed...I think i have a jar of it someplace.

Seriously amazing science.
2 1000w platinum LEDs
4 plants
Vegged to about 2 1/2 ft ( topped, and LST)
In a room that's about 8'x6'
Full c02
24" fan for circulation
2 8" inline fans for exhaust
Full Bioicare nutes
Whats expected yield?