Basics, Lighting and stages ....


ok, i all ready germinated my seed and i planted it in to my pot (this is indoors by the way). The seed all ready poped out of the soil and its just been a day o.o.. ok my question is what are the stages of weed growth and how much time is spent on each stage and how much light is given in each stage? Please and thank you:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
You will be in this stage for 2weeks or so. You want atleast 2 sets of leaves. Not the 1 leaf ones that will fall off soon. Then to veg. And that is realy up to you. Some I like 4+ weeks but some go 2 or less. Realy depends on you style of grow. Time realy isn't a real factor here. Veg to 1/3 the hight you want to finish at. But if you do flower erly it might take extra time for a seedling to start to flower. Then there is 1 week of transition( first week of 12/12) then it's flower time. I start my weeks at first sight of hairs. Then it's up to the strain and if you stress the plant out at all. Most take between 8-10 weeks to finish others can take up to 14-16. So you can see there realy isn't a set time for anything. The plants do what that want. As for autos they finish erly but only when they want.


Well-Known Member
ok, i all ready germinated my seed and i planted it in to my pot (this is indoors by the way). The seed all ready poped out of the soil and its just been a day o.o.. ok my question is what are the stages of weed growth and how much time is spent on each stage and how much light is given in each stage? Please and thank you:bigjoint:
i would like to add that the pot plant doesnt give out light.. you give it light and it uses it.
i would like to add that the pot plant doesnt give out light.. you give it light and it uses it.
i think he means 2 ask how much lighting it needs as its growing !! lol when small it wont need much;even 1 cfl is enough....but by flowering u will want @least 100 w per plant...if you want good harvest