Basics of growing outside?


Well-Known Member

What is the best and easiest way to grow. Please do not write me a novel I just want to know the basic way of growing that is easy.



Active Member
Man do some research. Its all about preference. If you live in a warm climate or want more bud. Grow outdoors. If you want to control the amount of bud and keep it private and so on, grow indoors. Or you can be like me and do both =]

Well-Known Member
readin' raahtin' and RESEARCH! lincoln said "if you give me 6 hrs. to chop down a tree, I'd spend 4 hrs. sharpening the axe!". learn about soil. the best soil is organic, and has a 'structure'- not compacted, allowing oxygen to the roots,and good drainage,yet retaining water(unlike pure sand). good compost makes a massive difference! in a rush though, I'd mix some fallow black dirt, vermiculite or perlite, or leaf litter(not pine), and organic fert's such as: bat guano, fish bone emulsion, kelp,worm castings, wood ash and charcoal,seabird guano,etc. that'll be better than some miracle gro shit. chemical fert's.can burn your weed,and at best leave inferior taste and quality.