Battle Between Bulbs: Hortilux Super HPS, Super Blue, or Another?


New Member
Hello,I run super blue,really makes a diff.But if you blow a bulb,don't put in a regular hps,chance of herming.The blue is pricey....but well worth it.


Well-Known Member
Hey Moon, I have not used Ushio but know they are another top quality manufacturer. I read another of your posts and see that you don't use a cooltube/glass reflector either. Let all that spectral energy goodness get to the chloroplasts unfiltered.:clap:


Well-Known Member
I'm on my 3rd run with a hortilux super hps and to tell you my experience I am noticing not much difference between the cheap bulbs I used before and the hortilux.


New Member
Well guys Im not going to mislead you. It is my job to research and be informed about the quality and issues concerning all HID lights in order to effectively sell the brand that we manufacture. I've seen huge growing operations from Colorado to Washington to small sized ones. What I hear more more often than not is growers not seeing results that justify Hortilux's price tag. With that being said, I havent seen a bulb to have a flat out better color spectrum than hortilux. However, I have seen bulbs half of the price be very competitive if not better in every important category. Inexpensive bulbs like xtra sun ultra sun anything with the word sun in it also garner their fair share of negative reviews. If I was growing, I'd be looking to be in between the two. Also the best yields Ive seen have come from a three room grow, starting with 7200 CCT, moving to 4200 CCT, and finishing with 2000 CCT.


Well-Known Member
Ushio Pro Plus, Phantom commercial DE ballast and a motherfucking ac/de hood going up on the rail in a few days!
Old thread by the way.