Battle of the rooting compounds: Woods rooting compound VS Rootech cloning gel


Well-Known Member
hello interweb
I am going to take cuttings of Dj shorts Blueberry and use 2 different rooting compounds,in 2 methods (ezclone/rockwool) I will use :arrow: Rootech gel and :arrow:Woods rooting compound.Here we go...


Well-Known Member
Me too!
So the woods is a concentrate as you only mix 1 part "woods" to 20 parts is also alcohol based .
I took A bunch of clones and placed them in the ezconer phd to 5.3 and in rockwool phd to 5.5. and did this excellerater with 2 strains (Dj shorts BB and my personal favorite Kiwi Og)
Ezcloner rez will be changed every 5 days (phd RO water + calmag + roots excellerater) and the rockwool was soaked in xtreme gardening Mycos,roots execrator,advanced nutrients connoisseur A+B ppm was 500 with calmag.

Now we wait for roots :):joint:


Well-Known Member
Roots today on 5days for both the woods is cheaaper overall but they work the same id say.Iwill take another batch today


Share your experiance, so that i may get better idea,
How much amount you have used,
Normally i tried one of the nutritionists locally available, but my leaves turned yellow, now i started with only organic fertilizers..


Well-Known Member
Thanks for sharing headbandrocker :) 5 days is great! I wish I got roots that fast lol


Well-Known Member
You could do it! Trust me i have had way slower results,but mostly when im at my laziest :) This round i watched and followed it mostly to a T.His whole clonning series is great if you havent seen it.I did however Have serveral other observations on this trial side by side:
I placed several clones(the first to show root Nubs) into rockwool to open up space on the cloner,and left several in the cloner with nubs.
1) Clones left in the ezcloner have WAY larger roots,masive roots.
2) clones that had decent roots from cloner then went into RW had 2nd biggest roots
3) Ones stuck straight into RW (no ezcloner)took a bit longer to get roots.
4) Both compounds worked at the same speed,but woods makes more soulution for the $$
* i dont know if me adding xtreme gardening "Mycos wp"had anything to do with the monster roots inside the cloner but it may


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link :) Had a look at the video and checked some about the ezclone and the turbo klone as well. I've decided I'll never use soil or jiffy to clone again lol. Will use only water from now on (and hormones). I'm just using a glass of water for each clone because I won't be making many clones but got some ideas to improve the environment :) Apart from not using soil or jiffy anymore, I got pieces of an sponge I had home to hold the clones in the glass a little better lol.

It may sound like crap compared to an ezclone but this two things will improve my clones live :) I have just 4 right now.


Well-Known Member
A system that worked wel for me was:
1) 5 gal homedepot bucket+lid $3
2) few mini net pots might be 1.5"?
3) Cheap waterfall pump from home depot $15
4) i think its 1/4 in rainbird semi hard plastic tubing also from home depot $5
5) T that fits in tubing_25 cents
make a circle around the inside of the pot with trhe tubing and connect with the "t" fit it snuggly for better support (as close to top of bucket as possibe)
6) tube runs from bottom of T to pump
7) drill holes with small drill in circle of tubing so holes drilled face inside of circle 8-10 will do
8) fill bucket 1/3-1/2 way with water phd to 5.5
9) drill several holes in the lid for net pots_3-10
circular hoop sits well above water ,and the pump should run 247 and push water out the inside of the center spraying bottom of all net pots-
Bam cloner for $30 (i have used same method with one large hole in lid and it produces the largest mother plants at the fastest rate i have ever seen,bark!)

Sidenote-change water 1ce a week,


Well-Known Member
Thanks again dude :) I got an air pump so I think I'll try to put all the clones together in a tapper ware and give them some bubbles lol but the system you explained sounds really good so I'll keep it in mind and probably build it in a few months, must be fun to build.


Well-Known Member
I did that for my mothers,bubbling water should work fine.
I just saw a raft / clonning system on youtube that was pretty sweet and low tech:)


Well-Known Member
For your mam ? that's cool, I bought mine a small greenhouse for her birthday lol but to grow vegetables ;)

Built the tapper-cloner yesterday but there are couple of things I wonder about. Do you know if I should make a hole or something so there is some ventilation ? made just 6 holes for the plants and one for the pipe. Got there 4 mj clones and 2 tomato clones :) hope they like it.

Also do you know if I could put some bio-grow in the water ? maybe it will help them to get some nutes and micro-nutrients.


Well-Known Member
I meant mother plants :)
I would need to see a pic of your clone rig to understand your question better
Bloom nutes @ 10 ml per 5 gal help with roots change water evry 4-5 days and ph at 5.5 if possible