BB: DOG KUSH GROW OFF!!! Mans best friend, all welcome.

A Mod is not an admin Sunni.

...anything you can tell us about the underlying failure?


P.S. This was not a hack at Sunni. I just know the difference
between Mod and Admin. The one helps people. The other
helps software.
tis what it is. i don't know what the actual issue is tbh. probably pulling too much from the DB with those big threads. sucking resources. i'm clearly no techy lol. i actually am enjoying not having the like feature. if i like something enough i'll say so. only things i ever like was when my BB guys had babies.
How's it growing folk's,
nice DOG Bush java!
budbro too, been keeping aneye on these from the start to see how they fair under the LED. And yea, they can stretch lol, no branches no doubt, mine shoots straight from the hip, erm stem haha. " Walnut's galore"...
bad shit man canny few pips in these 3 like on the lower buds iv noticed i chopped wednesday canny gutted but its still nice what i can salvage and make bho with rest.... get the biggin up in running in the next 2 weeks... got 19 cuts rooting now to choose from.... akorn, dippy ellsy and carmel ice.... but back in couple days with my weight of seedy weed haha then a little break till i collect the new gear and get it set up
nightmare :( still not a total loss. you'll be doing nowt but bho soon lol. tolerance goes way too high for my liking. i've just got used to how small a dab i need to get me where i want to be instead of curled up thinking my heads going to explode.

you could just knock a tenner off the price, can't see many being that upset can you?!?
Ii it will still cover the needs I suppose, I love that tickle on my throat after a good bowl full and a drop on, the nail gives a good taste of what the bho tastes like, but I like that kick on my throat haha
I went to buy a blow torch from bnq and they didnt have any gas for any of the ones they had so i said fuk it lmao. Im scared to put any of my dogs in flower cuz they been veggin way too long , spoze i could chop all the tops off and do a just rooted clone bonanza lol
i have one of five s1 dogs throw one nanner so not to bad but they are frosty as hell and looking great have the two stocky ones in veg.
the dogs i have going are doing great,no real outstanding stretch,not a nanner/balls on one of them..
they are looking real good,i should go get some pics.