BB57 takes the day,,,,,,,


Well-Known Member
Been busting the nads way too hard last few weeks,,,,,,,,

Escaped to the Mountain retreat for a few days. Got me a lil' cocktail going and the Iolite vaping.

Gonna grab the trash and make a dump run. Stop in at the local watering hole with the cue stick and have a couple
of adult style bev's.

Picked up a couple of T-Bones and red taters for dinner tonight. 12 'r of Newcastle and some Maker's Mark.

Not gonna do anything grow related for a few days. Just gonna kick it and see how loud it barks back.

Good growing to ya and remember to keep yer rooms clean, damnit.

At close to 6,000 ft, God can hear me screaming just a lil better.


Well-Known Member
Awesome. Its feels good to accomplish something big and be able to take a few steps back and reflect on what you got done. Nothing like the satisfaction that comes from working hard to get something done for yourself.

Enjoy the steaks and the NewCastles.