BB57's 4000 watt Sealed Grow/DWC/Scrog


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude the goldfish in the hydro idea is fuckin stoner brilliance at its best but I really don't think it'd work for a number of reasons Haha
C'mon RayF share the doubts. I got my last good nad on this.

Anyone can doubt it,,
just watch ol' bb57 pull it off.
Besides, I have a secret weapon,,,,

Madds Von Freddy

and he don't play.


Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
Well you've sparked my interest in the possibility, and I'm not positive who/what mvf is but I'm sure its a good time.


Well-Known Member
Ok riu'rs it's time.

Time to close this thread and continue on in the Aquaponics thread.

Jumping all over the boards was getting out of hand and confusing.

All further updates and pics will be posted there and there only,
to avoid any further melt downs on my part.

And not piss any of you off. Thanks, to you fellow riu'rs for pointing that out.

nuff outta my mouth.

So jump on in, Aquaponics, heck, maybe we can all learn something from this.

Thanks for following me and Madds, he'll be back this week and I'm sure he'll
tell us about his Koi pursuit. No word from him yet except some kind of unseen
dilemma. Told ya Madds. BOOM'D! by Bb.

Mods, please close this thread down. Moving it over to Aquaponics.
Thank You.

Cool Waters.
No Light.

Madds Von Freddy

and remember,

Free The Plant