BC Bud Depot ? any thoughts


New Member
The1st page of this site I saw was a number of negative remarks about the "BC Bud Depot", now they were all at least 3yrs old so I wondered what people thought of them now? Because the "Sea of Seeds" carries BC BUD, and so does "Herbiesheadshop" when I read there descriptions of their seeds such as "God Bud" sound good. I also noticed that on the most potent stains "Barneys Farm had 2 or 3 in the top five Pineapple Chuck sounded good and "LSD". But than I read under seeds I think that many people weren't to high on them. How does a "Dr Green Thumb" at 200 for 2 seeds work out or the Sensitivity Seed bank. I know they've got years of breeding but hey even a new company could get the genetics and in a few years they'd have a good product possibly. Like the Chinese have done acquiring new technology


JMHO if herbies is withem id say there cool, lol, i like nirvana, but herbies usually are more viable from my oppinion.


let me guess, you just signed up to get theis one ? answerd and youll forget about it l8er,
Or, do you have amnesia and forgot that you already made this thread twice?
Beowolf, your a bigger douche than John Edward.


bud bootlegger
they had a pretty shitty rep as a seeed bank, but i've never really heard anything bad about their gear...

lots of people have been ripped off from their seeedbank, although i've had good luck with them..
as far as i've seen and heard, bcbd has some pretty solid gear, even did good in a few contests, not that really amounts to a hill of beans though tbh..


bud bootlegger
let me guess, you just signed up to get theis one ? answerd and youll forget about it l8er,
Or, do you have amnesia and forgot that you already made this thread twice?
Beowolf, your a bigger douche than John Edward.
lol, i don't think anyone is a bigger douche than john edwards.. :D
ok, maybe arjan, but it's a pretty close contest for the giantest douche award between those two imvho..


lol, i don't think anyone is a biggest douche than john edwards.. :D
ok, maybe arjan, but it's a pretty close contest for the giantest douche award between those two imvho..
Hahahaha, Arjan? who dat? the only arjan i know of is a funny lookin bearded guru guy. lol