BC Northern Lights Producer grow


Active Member
Ok, so I just foiled the top. You are saying I should foil the whole cube (minus the bottom) fairly tightly with an X cut for the stem? I would also have to cut a hole for the dripper like shown above right?


Active Member
Your on the right track, take two pieces of foil and cover half on one side half on the other and overlap.Poke hole for feeder. Just foil the top like your were doing that is correct.



Active Member
If you use Hydroton you will not have algae problems either.
I'm using Sensizym and Voodoo Juice from AN. Does that do anything to prevent algae? Would I just fill the top of the hydro pots with hydroton?

I tried covering the rockwool cubes with foil, but I can't even take the cubes out of the little hydro pots without really squeezing them. They're stuck.


Active Member
Defiantly wanted to see the producer in action. See if it was worth the money and how it truly performed. Will be checking in to see progress throughout, good luck!


Active Member
hydroton would involve taking the rockwoll cubes out breaking them and puting the seedings and roots into the hydrotron.

You do not need to cover the cube itself with tine foil just the tops of the hydro pots like you were doing before and posted a pic. Like i said you were on the right track you just need to block the cube from reciveing any light


Active Member
Oh, ok. Gotcha. I saw your pics with the entire cube covered and tried to do the same thing, but there is no F-ing way those things are coming out! I'll just cover the tops. By the way, I reattached the veg tray like I had before and put the cubes back up there closer to the light. They look to be really loving it. I'll just keep an eye on them and when the roots start really forming on the bottom, I'll put them back in the hydropots at ground level.



Active Member
Yep good idea, leave em there for a week or two and when they get bigger stronger theyll be able to handle an mh or two


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Day 11

I have some new pictures here. Yesterday I woke up to find some of the leaves curling up on the sides. I was told by BCNL that this was most likely a water issue (lack of water). However, I was concerned that it might also be a result of the ppm in my res raising from evaporating water. I added some ph balanced water to the reservior and watered all the plants thoroughly. I think I might need to start watering twice daily.

I have a total of nine plants still. Six of them I feel great about, two of them have some hang ups, and one of them is still struggling to thrive due to getting very dry while I was away. Here are three of the pretty ones...

Here are the three plants I'm most concerned about...

Curly - This one didn't bounce back as fast from yesterday's curled leaf outbreak

Splotchy - This one is growing, but still looks splotchy!

Leany - This one got too dry and won't stand back up, but the new growth looks green

Another thing I am concerned about are the roots that are poking through the bottom of the rockwool. Of the limited amount of root growth that is visible, some of the roots are white and thick, and other roots are slightly reddish/brown and skinny. This could be a result of too much light hitting the roots since it is sitting on the veg tray and not on the bottom where the roots would be in complete darkness. What do you think?



Active Member
Yes the roots cannot be in light if roots are starting to poke out put them down below. I would also recommend putting them under one mh light. And weaker plants can go more to the outside cup with less light.

Keep an eye on one falling over, if he falls over you may have to tie him to a stick, those browning leaves will die and fall off but if growth continues on top it will recover.


Active Member
Ok, nevermind. I understand now. I just don't have any 400 watt MH bulbs. I would have to pick some up. The BCNL reps also don't recommend running just one light. They were saying both should be run at the same time.


Active Member
Nope, odd i thought u got veg upgrade which comes with the clone dome, table, 125w cfl and [X2 mh lights]. i got them in my producer royal package.

The thing is you will wanna veg longer but that 125W cfl is no good if your seedlings are in the hydro tub(light too far). Thats why MH are great for veg. You can veg with hps and i hear people do all the time or go grab some MH bulbs. Do some reading see whats best for you.


Active Member
Be careful if you’re going to use two mh or hps lights, little plants like that can get light shock and this actually happened to one of my White Widows from one mh, it looked so bad after switch thought it died, but recovered after two days. You need to gradualy move the seedling up in lumens, your 125w cfl is about 8000, your mh about 55000, 2x mh 110000, 1x hps 65000 ect.

I didnt build the box but i would assume if a light was not hook into one ballast it would not be a problem (same as if the light burnt out) but thats only my opinion (just like i use a 200w cfl and they told me not too), this is a temporary move for a week before you install second one bring up the lumens.

Or veg longer uptop so plants will be stronger larger to handle both lights at once. This will take longer and you will have to stay on the clone table and cover the root area up so no light gets to the roots. The cfl will not work if plants are in the hydro tub down below.

edit: Bulb looks fine to me,
remember dont get finger prints on it or it will explod true story


Active Member
Damn, how big was your white widow when you added one MH? I definitely want to wait until I'm sure they are strong enough to take it.

I can probably just wait another week and add one MH. Then I can step that up to two before switching to first week of flower with my two HPS. I still have to figure out how I am going to vent the top lights. Should be pretty simple since I have the vent kit and a nearby window, but I've just never done it before.


Active Member
Its funny cause i did an experiment and put my moby dick under a 400w mh when it sprouted its first two leaves, in my first few post on your grow journal you can see it, it the smallest one in the red cup. And my white widow was almost a month old it was very weird could have been heat stress i don’t know. I will take pics soon of him you’ll be amazed he as almost caught up.


Active Member
I say do it now get that 1 mh in there turn off cfl and put clones in there hydro tables, it will be like when you moved the seedlings up to the clone table and said "wow they really like this" They will love the mh.

Edit: For the distance the light has to travel from mh to hydro tub is a long way and by then there is not much lumens anyways. I burnt/light shocked a 1 month old plant several inches away from light (WW very picky), but sucsessfuly grew a seedling much closer and much younger then your going too. *First page, second pic the moby dick is in there(red cup) with 2 mh and a cfl.