BC Northern Lights Producer grow


Active Member
I just went through this whole thread, took awhile but def worth it!! I just got a mothership from a friend for a great deal and bought 4 big buddah blue cheese clones from him as well to fill the mothership. I know its not as big as the producer and is meant for mothers and clones but i am going to do a grow all the way through with it since my friend got the roomate upgrade and i have the mh and hps light. I hope my crop turns out as good as both of your guys crops! I would really like it if you guys would check out my grow journal thread and give me any adivce on what i could be doing differently or some tips for growing in these systems here is the link to my journal. https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/315178-big-buddah-blue-chesse-first.html Keep up the good work guys your grows are making me so excited to have mine finish!!


Well-Known Member
nice man well done no drama.what strains that and
what height did u switch to 12n12
Northern Lights, switched when they were 15 inches or so.

You got t5's in there no drama?
This is old school First generation Producer I got back in 2005, I have another one, but neither have T5's. What I do is harvest the tops, then flower for 2 more weeks after to get the bottom buds filled out.


Active Member
Northern Lights, switched when they were 15 inches or so.

Why did my Northern Light strain (from this journal) get so out of control? I switched them over when they were mostly under 14" and they grew well into the light. What do you think the deal was?


Active Member
First producer - in 7 days flush, trimmed all fan leaves. Found out i have a little too many tops in there about 5-8 tops each plant pretty crowded

Second producer - 1 week left before flush


I own the same unit you use, and my first harvest yielded a very small amount. Since I live in California, I am able to buy my clones. What should the ppm's read during weeks 1-3? To avoid light shock, should I start off using all 3 lights, or only one? Please help.


Well-Known Member
I own the same unit you use, and my first harvest yielded a very small amount. Since I live in California, I am able to buy my clones. What should the ppm's read during weeks 1-3? To avoid light shock, should I start off using all 3 lights, or only one? Please help.
yea i know what u mean....me myself i dont even try to follow the nute chart any more....i found that on my last grow...all i used for the first 2 weeks in veg were grow A and B and some voodo and a bit ot rhino skin...and they did just fine...i vegged for about 3 or 4 days with just the 125 flo and then turned on the 400's and that worked just fine....but it really depends on the plant...some can take more then others...i have not had a issue with light shock yet...but i am only on my 3rd grow....let me know if u get a journal started....


Active Member

About two weeks ago had someone accidentally turn off the cfl switch thinking it was being unused, when it was being used by the internal fans , I did not see the problem untill the next day. This dried out my buds through out the box.

I decided to take my lose and chop it down early (46days). Total dry weight was 11 oz . To much stretching, 1 day of extreme heat, cutting premature all resulted in lower then expected yield.

On the bright side. 18 new pks day1 veg. :mrgreen:

Next is pictures of the other producer full of nyc, goo, and pk. This experienced no problems at all and plants are looking huge definitely over an oz a plant, 3 days flush 3 days of ice left. Buds are extremely dense and looking amazing.



Active Member
Get those damned dirty shoes out of your grow room!! hahaha jk bro, nice harvest. Have fun with the buds!!

I want to give you a heads up though about the PK, veg them to at least 15 inches before flipping. I'm almost done my second week of flowering with Co2 on, and they arent even 15 inches yet... I flipped the lights at 10-11 inches to make sure I didn't over do it. They won't break 20 inches before the end of the harvest which makes me sad, but whatever, its my first grow.

Hope you enjoy the buds!!!


Active Member
I flipped my new grow at 5.5 inches in height. I am ending week 2 tomorrow and my biggest plant is 15 inches and is growing about an inch a day. I'm wondering how much longer this one will continue stretching...


Active Member
So this show i had an experiment and left my plants bushy. Cleaned up 10% and 20% of bottom stems on producer 1 and 2. Big mistake. Leaving plants with sometimes over 15 branches. This gave me lots of popcorn nugs but robbed from my colas

Before flip and during flip make sure to trim branches down to about 2-6. This means plant can only focus on 2-6 main colas. I used this technique on my last grow and i was getting close to 25g a plant. this round 20g a plant.

stillcantroll - When u flipped, how was root structure, Im in a week of veg and was about to flip in a few day 10inchs. My roots are huge thanks to two extra airstones. I notice the amount of roots in the rez will determine how much stretch in the first 2-3 weeks


Active Member
wow, lookin good im startin some NYCD this week . how long/ how tall did you veg your diesel ??

I see alot of talk about adding air pumps to these producers and i was just wondering how it would work if you split the lines from 2 into 4 . i think each air whip tees into two air stones so if you added 2 T's, 4 whips and 4 stones to each original line you could have one line run to 4 air stones instead of 2. it could be more air or the same amount of air spread more evenly . or it could be more then the airpump wants to handle... so the producer would have 8 stones instead of 4. has anyone experimented with this??

or has anyone just tryed useing longer stones running parallel to the door?

thanks for the help!


Active Member
Nycd can not be given much veg time at all. I ended up cuting there heads off 2 weeks into flower. Think i flipped them just under 10 inchs. U defenitly wanna switch to a full indica strain after this.

The piston pump that supplys the air will always go down the tube of least resistance. So t-ing off more will lead to problems. on older model producers the air line tubing running to the left is longer then the right. This causes the air to be twice as powerful on the right then the left. This will lead to plants growing much larger on one side. Ive also experimented with several types of air stones and the only one that is reliable is the same ones that came with producer.

Running a second air pump and ting off two airstones for a total of 6 air stones is one of the biggest recommendations i can make. The air pump is worth its weight in gold


Active Member

Do you buy those airstones directly from BCNL? The ones I bought at my hydro shop were a little shorter which made it more difficult to reach two grow sites completely (in the beginning when misting was crucial). How often are you changing them out?


Active Member
I had to shop around every where i went a 12 inch elite airstone were 7.99 wallmart/fishstores. And i replace them all every run. I final found a growshop in the city that sold them for 2.99. I bought all 20 of them.

If you add h202 to your system it eats away at the air stones. If some are reusable never mix a new one and old one on the same t connector. Less resistance un-even air flow.

This is day 3 of flower. This is most even root growth ive seen due to 6 airstones.

We also had another conv of trimming. This is a few days into veg on my other pro. Lolli popin em early so i can controll growth. Branches get out of controll in these boxes. Good idea to trim this shit early

